Jun 12, 2005 20:52
ok so heres the story...kristan says that we are moving too fast in our relationship...i think that we are moving way too slow...we havent even done nething yet...she doesnt hold my hand and it would be a miricle if we had a nice kiss good-bye. I walk her to her classes and i dont even get to hold her hand while walking. plus I dont get a hug or nething, she justs walks right into her class. she would rather hang withher friends during lunch so i sit there talking to my apple. she says she really likes me but it obviously doesnt show. im so confused...if this is fast, i dont want to imagine slow. is it inexperience on my part or even her part? is it because this is her first real relationship? i dont know. i cant find out either...shes never home when i call. Its not like holding hands or kissing is bad right...i thought thats wut is sposed to happen in a relationship...its been over a week and we never hold hands and most of the time she doesnt talk to me at all...if she likes me this is a crappy way of showing it...this is way too slow...im not asking for much...just holding hands in the halls a quick kiss good-bye and maybe a little cuddling during movies 9which she doesnt do much) i like her lots too but i dunno how long i can last going at this pace...i realize that my options are limited and i want this to work out but i just dont know...i wanna talk to her but i have had bad experience talking to girls about how i feel..it always blows up in my face. so im asking for some advice...anything...i need more opinions than just my own!