Perspective and Advancements

Nov 30, 2015 15:11

I hurt my hand yesterday at Darkon. It isn’t a huge hassle, but it is keeping me from being as active as I like. No bones were broken, so it should heal before long.

I’ve been thinking about my finances quite a bit lately. Circumstances have left me pretty deep in the financial hole. I really need to figure out a way to dig myself out of all this debt and move on. My credit score was huge before this year but after opening up a new card and taking out a car loan it took a pretty big hit. The time to live thriftily has arrived. As long as I make sure I work on Saturdays, though, and continue plugging in the overtime at Hopkins I should be fine. There are very few major expenses which are likely to rear their head in the near future.

Thankfully, another one of my goals continues to be weight loss. That and saving money tend to go pretty comfortably hand-in-hand.

Tonight I will be doing laundry, cleaning, doing yoga, practicing tango and playing on the keytar. I also need to work out some issues with the Darkon country. I am cautiously optimistic about that. I’ll be instituting the plan to read instead of doing staggered television for productivity this evening.

Other plans:
Tuesday- Overtime
Wednesday- Game Night
Thursday- Tango, then The Depot
Friday- Gym
Saturday- Krampusnacht
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