Mar 21, 2007 12:47
Ok so I’m going to Albuquerque on the 6th of April for the weekend. My mom moved there late last year and we are going to check out her new house, the university and places to live. That and finally get some descant Mexican food. So unless the university is run by a bunch of asshats well we will be moving in time for Liz to begin classes by August 20th.
SO reasons why I hate the south…
Liz is currently working for Yamaha and they are paying her $12 per hour as a temp, which means they are really paying more than that to the temp agency. Well Yamaha starts talking to Liz about starting a call center and wants her to be in charge of hiring a staff and running the show and asks her what she would expect as a salary. Well her current salary is something over 25K a year, she used to make 30K as a phone monkey at Sprint before she got a Bachelors degree. After a little research we determine that for the Kennesaw area the job that they are asking her to do pays between 40-75k. So when they ask her to submit a resume she fills out the expected salary range as 40-50k. Deer in the head lights time they were thinking more in the neighborhood of 25K. They had forgotten that Liz was competent and would look into what an entry level manager would make and when they found out they could not get her on the cheap they dropped the idea..
Merging and driving in general, they all drive like it’s the Daytona 500. People will and I mean all the time be cursing in the fast lane and swerve across like 6 lanes at 85mph to make an exit. The driving is so bad that when Georgia went to the Feds and asked for more Highway funds to widen the interstates the feds came in a reviewed the request and it was denied because the Feds said the majority of the traffic problems were not as a result of the size of the high ways but rather that there were to many accidents and offered to increase the states budget for drivers education. This offer was declined and a bill was offered in the state senate to allow driving on the shoulder during rush hour….
Dumping of waste anywhere and everywhere. What do you do when you build a house and you have all these bits and peaces of wood and wire and other scrap at the end? Why you dump it in the lot next door. My coworkers have no idea why I get up set when the cable guy comes and installs new service in my neighborhood and throws 20 or 30 feet of coaxial cable over the fence to the forested property next door. When the crew that repaved the ally dumped a 4 foot high mound of pavement on the side of the road I called every day for a month to get it cleaned up. Or why I yelled at the people that dragged their charismas trees twenty feet out there back door and dumped them. People hear are pigs and don’t see the mock there wallowing in.
Money, people throw money away. I don’t mean by doing stupid things like booze and hookers I mean they take money out of their pockets and throw money on the ground. You know I don’t like carrying a pocket load of change but I get home and put them in a jar and I have $20 at the end of the year. I mean I have seen people walk past the Salvation Army lady ringing her bell stop at their car pull out a pocket full of change and throw it on the ground while getting their keys. I know it’s a minor thing but it’s an indication of a pervasive attitude that the little things just don’t matter. In every aspect of life they ignore the little things and every thing ends up being more complicated as a result and the funny thing is they never learn and always make the same mistake next time around…
I got more but you need to be in the room with me to get the full benefit of the venom I have for the south…