Today was a pretty good day. I saw Wall-E, and while everyone will surely talk about the beautiful graphics, the moving love story, the sweeping scenic shots, and the powerful message, I have something else to say. The music. All those things I mentioned above are true, like every Pixar movie, I left the theater thinking this was the best animation yet. But the thing that moved me the most was the score. That, accompanied with the stunning scenes, brought me to tears. For me, the most powerful message was about wonder and exploration, and less about consumerism and the dangers of not acting. But that's just me. Something tells me I could write a big research paper about ethics and philosophy as told by Wall-E.
New Who tomorrow. Oh lord, Rose. I'm so prepared to love and adore this episode to bits. A few squee thoughts.
Oh lord, it's hard to believe the series is almost done. It really went by so quickly, and there were some really spectacular episodes. But tomorrow: Rose. I know Rose was in "Turn Left", but this is Rose and the Doctor. I hope everyone converges, the previews suggest Jack is in Cardiff, Martha is with UNIT, and Sarah Jane is... where ever Sarah Jane lives... The point is I hope Jack encounters Rose. Davies has to have that happen! I mean, after what Rose did to him, there has to be something. Seeing Rose take charge last week was awesome, but I kind of want some of that old Rose-causing-the-apocalypse back. You know, the girl who goes off on her own trying to help but messes up. I hope her Torchwood didn't make her infallible! I want some moments of her not knowing, of her screwing up. But part of me thinks the stakes are so high that there isn't enough time to give some of those moments.
I just hope the reunions are every bit as emotional as I want them to be. Davies: Make me cry. I didn't bawl through Wall-E (just some tearing up during scenic shots), so I'm due for a massive sob fest. You did it to me all during the second series, all I'm asking is for two episodes of tears. I have faith.