Big Major Huge Catch-Up Post, Part 1.

May 19, 2008 10:02

Grey's Anatomy 4.13
I know this episode aired ages ago, but I really felt I should talk about this. I mean... Addison!!!!! WHEE!!! YAY!!! She. Was. Awesome. Like, beyond words. She was snappy and adorable and sweet and had that bite to her that vanished on Private Practice. I mean, I hate that show, and I hate that Addison was taken away from Grey's because of that show.

So, yay for Addison being awesome. But there was other stuff. Like, take Ava/Rebecca, who is preggers, but not. That posed some problems for Izzie, who has that pesky doctor/patient confidentiality to contend with. But more on Ava/Rebecca (I should really pick a name) later.

George is an intern. Remember? Izzie didn't, and she kept forgetting she's the boss. And I would not want to drink and play darts with my boss either. Plus, is Izzie really all that shocked that George has another life? Last time she because good friends it led to sex, and relationships, which led to lame. Very lame.

So Izzie was feeling very out of it. I mean, she so "coded". Then she met a pregnant HIV-positve woman, and gave me one of my favorite moments of the episode. After getting shot down by the mother-to-be for not scheduling the abortion, Izzie came back in full force and let her know exactly how slim the chances are that the child would be HIV-positive. 98% chance the child will be fine. I didn't know that, but apparently it's true. The looks of joy from the parents to be was really sweet, and I wanted to just hug Izzie. You rock.

And now we have lesbians, or rather Callie and Erica. I kind of saw it, but I also saw really good friends. Maybe LA upped Addison's gaydar, and that tuned her into the vibes. Oh Callie, totally freaked out about this whole thing. So what's a girl to do the cement her sexuality? Dance with Sloane. Classy. Oh, and Hahn totally has feelings for Callie... Or she thinks she's hot. Or both.

Oh, and best line ever:
Callie: Did anyone ever think you two were a couple?
Meredith: No because we screw boys like whores on tequila.
Cristina: And then we either try to marry them or drown ourselves.

Grey's Anatomy 4.14
This whole clinical trial thing is obviously a device to get Meredith and Derek together. I mean, "ooohh we have to be perfectly in sync... look into my eyes... blah, blah, blah." Fine. I got it.

So apparently there is an Ask, Tell policy in the hospital, because you MUST list all your sexual partners... those you can remember. Poor Lexie, though I forgot you fucked Alex, too. It's kind of a major invasion of privacy if you ask me. I mean, first we all know that Rose and Derek didn't screw, then we found out they did. And George? You kind of became the Chief's bitch. But you are a rocking Intern. Like a super star. I guess it takes two times to get amazing.

And speaking of Don't Ask, Don't Tell, I'm with Meredith about how it was sweet. I mean, tragic, but it was sweet, like forbidden love and the risk and the necessity for secrecy. And the one soldier got a say goodbye, even if he couldn't be there. Plus the father sort of came to terms, wanting a military burial and being civil to the other man.

I need to just bitch about Meredith's shrink, who loves to tell Meredith how crappy her life is and how, even though her patient is dealing, the shrink tells her otherwise. I mean, get the fuck over yourself therapist, you can do better to make Mere feel like she's so fucked up that everything she thinks is wrong. I want to bitch slap her.

Sloane is reforming his manwhoring ways, which isn't the worst thing in the world. Plus, a bunch of pissed up nurses can do that to a guy. But Derek is kind of a slut, too, because he's all banging Rose but thinking about Mere. Lame. I'm really just sick of those two, in general. Period. I know they're getting together, let's just get it over with.

Burke won an award, and they set Cristina off. I get it. I understand. It's an interesting connection between Hahn and Cristina, how they both got screwed over, but it didn't seem like Cristina was looking to bond.

Oh and Hahn is so amused that Addison thought Callie and her were a couple. Hilarious, except she wishes it were true. Classy.

Grey's Anatomy 4.15
I thoroughly enjoyed the last two episodes. This one? Not so much. Actually, I found it very annoying. From the whole "fairy tale" metaphor for Meredith and Derek's views of relationships, to Cristina completely losing her shit, I just wanted to punch several people. Like Meredith's shrink, who just drove me crazy. She's a terrible therapist. She should be helpful, and supportive and offering help and advice, not completely deconstructing Meredith's life with the conclusion that she's crappy. Like... Fuck you bitch. Yeah, I hated her. Aren't there other shrinks you can see?

Cristina lost it. Just right off the deep end. Cleaning, bitching, not interested in surgery, she covered all the anti-Cristina bases. But when she just opened her mouth, I knew carnage would ensue. She flipped out on Lexie and George, and I wanted to flip out on her. Also? Meredith, way not to stand up to Lexie. I mean, she didn't really do anything to you, and she's been not so annoying lately.

But Lexie had her revenge. She went all "I saw heart surgery and you didn't, bitch" on Cristina. Sorta. I wish she were a bit more agressive or face-rubbey with Cristina. But alas, I guess that's Lexie's muted way of doing things. She also had a moment with Meredith, basically saying what I've been saying all along: Meredith's life sucks. It really, really sucks. Her childhood, her professional life, her personal life. It's crap, and sometimes I'm surprised Meredith can get up in the morning. I did a bit of a fist pump when she said that.

Rebecca's nuts. Yeah, I get this episode is all about crazy. So... Crazy. Hysterical pregnancy, forgetting about child (I did that too), need for new tits. Yup, definitely a wackjob. Izzie finally told Alex, who didn't want to believe it, but when he accepted it, he still wouldn't let Rebecca get the help she needs. She needs a psych consult, and Alex is all protecty. Dude, you need to get her help... Seriously.

George got to be cute manny for the day. Aw, I don't actually mind that he's just holding Tucker. I think it's really sweet that he'd do that. Plus, it's better that Tucker doesn't have to be around for his parents' bickering. Boy do they have problems. Like, the really bad kind. If they're going to divorce, they need to get going before they scar their child and make him punch more tykes.

Oh, and Callie and Hahn made lesbian jokes all episode and Hahn kissed Callie in an elevator. Like that won't be awkward afterwards. At all.

The Office 4.12
I almost just skipped over writing this episode because I just disliked it. Michael was a buffoon and I try to ignore him when that happens.

I guess the only interesting thing that happened was Ryan went off on Jim and gave him a warning about job performance. I only mention this because it led to Jim taking things seriously in the next few weeks.

Oh, and Dwight is jealous.

The Office 4.13
This episode was pretty much separated into three sections, the job fair, the office, and golfing. So I'll split this up.

Job Fair.
Michael was kind of an idiot, but I loved Pam. There was this moment when she goes into the art room, her old stomping grounds, and says to the camera "I wonder if it's still here," and then turns back and goes "guess they took it down." That moment was so perfectly subtle and sweet and sad. People and places move on, and clearly something Pam had done was taken down. I know I feel that way sometimes when I go to old places. Things change, and you're not entirely prepared. That was a real moment. And so, moving onto change, Pam inquires about a new art opportunity and looks into taking digital art classes. Gasp!

Jim actually took his job seriously, and I liked this side of him. Sure goofy, playful, lovesick Jim is nice, but sometimes it can get old. Luckily, this was a refreshing change. Plus, Andy and Kevin showed up, which is always hilarious. Andy continued to rock my socks, overdoing the golfing thing, trashing his hands practicing the night before. Then Kevin turns the whole day into a big bet.

But the big deal of the day was Jim, who regained a customer, proving he isn't a fool and that he can do things other than goofing off. And how he was so proud of what he did was excellent! The awkward back in the office kiss? Eh. They were cuter when they weren't together, and when Kevin wasn't going "bowng chicka bowng bowng." That's a bit of a mood killer.

Dwight and Angela. Together. Working. Alone.

The Office 4.14
I don't know, but as far as season finales go, I was kind of let down. Sure there were funny moments, but overall it didn't really feel like a finale.

Big things: Jan is pregnant, but with a sperm donor's spawn and not Michael's. She needed to make this one count (ouch). Jim didn't propose to Pam, because Andy got to it first (with Angela! not Pam). Michael was hit on by Holly, but was too dense to realize it. And Holly thought Kevin was a special needs employee. Funniest thing about that was Kevin behaved no differently than he usually did.

But I need to talk about Pam for a second. I was so sad when she said she really thought Jim was going to propose. And he was! The whole thing he said to Michael about falling in love with Pam in the office set up this amazingly sweet fireworks display and big event, only to have Andy stomp all over it. If I was Jim, I would have just gone back, poured some wine, and did it then. But he scrapped the plans entirely, leaving Pam disappointed. Except, now we know she wants to get married to him. Yay!? I don't know how I feel about that, yet.

My favorite moment of the episode was Pam's talking head where she said "Don't ever tell Toby I told you this, but I always thought he was sort of cute." I just flipped out, because that coy look on her face was amazing. And Toby is kind of adorable, in a really quiet, odd kind of way.

Ryan got busted... but not for coke. Fraud is so not cool, kids. Ever. Then Oscar had his best line ever, which was "But the real crime was the beard." Oh so true. I wonder if BJ Novak grew it over the summer, and got so much heat for it that the other writers wrote the jokes into the show. At least that's what I like to think.

So cliffhangers: Pam is off to NYC for the summer, I'm assuming she's not quitting Dunder Mifflin, right? I mean, she could and three months is a long break, but Michael seems like he'd take her back after the three months.

Ryan is in jail. Think we'll get some prison scenes? I was hoping they dealt with the drug issue more, that was a really dark storyline with a lot of potential.

Toby's gone, or is he? Sure he bounced because he put his hand on Pam's leg, but how long can he stay in "Costa Rica"? Plus, anybody know if Amy Ryan is a series regular next year? I totally didn't recognize her, but I'm also an idiot.

Dwight and Angela have sex. OK, I know that's not actually the cliffhanger part, but I'm glad the writers made us wait this long to learn the truth. I remember they said they made it ambiguous as to how far their relationship went. Now we know. I'm sorry, but I love that ANGELA is a. Having premarital sex, b. cheating on her fiancé, and c. doing it by the copy machine. The cliffhanger - Phyllis caught them. Yikes.

I decided that this post was getting redic, so I'm splitting it into two parts. Also because House is on tonight and I wanted my thoughts for that written down. Just some quick bits before I bounce (or get breakfast).

- Dollhouse Squee! (I know this is ages old, but I've been busy)
- Katee Sackhoff on Nip/Tuck! Yay!

- The real inspiration for the Office

Sidenote - I saw Prince Caspian Friday, and I really liked it. A bit too Jesus-ey for my tastes (and I loved the first film, which was all Resurrection!). Anyway, am I a horrible person for being extremely attracted to Edmund, played by Skandar Keynes, who's 16!? I believe, last I checked, it was illegal in several states to feel that way. I mean, he was 15 when he filmed the movie! Why can't I just be swoony with Ben Barnes like everyone else in the world?

chronicles of narnia, saturday night live, grey's anatomy, dollhouse, the office (us), the office (uk), house, movies

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