Feb 28, 2008 03:01

I seem to have things relatively under control. Transfer apps in, Java project 95% done, packed and ready to go for my train at 6am (no sleep tonight).

And the no sleep part meant I got to watch this week's episode of Torchwood. I know I should step back and recap the events of the Martha arc, but I have so much to say about this week, that I'll just skip to it.

Torchwood 2.05, 6, 7, &8
Cold Open. My jaw was on the floor. I had no idea that Owen's words could be so passionate and beautiful. I was just floored during his voice over, which turned out to be talking to a suicidal woman. When he said "So are we going to jump or not?" and cue Torchwood theme, I just about died.

I never had strong feelings towards Owen, he was just sorta there. But then he died. Well, to be fair, first the show actually became amazing, which I guess led to the Owen renaissance. Never before have I fallen in love with a character so quickly and want him dead. Really dead, like of the at peace variety.

I saw the major undead (or incredible amusing Zombie) Owen problems. His !life sucks. The writer (Joseph Lidster, had to look it up) really drove that point home. Everything we take for granted: breathing, crying, touching, eating... they've been taken away from him. More specifically, they've been taken by Jack.

Oh I am in love with the Jack Owen parallels. Jack's basically the proper version of Owen. Rose wasn't an expert at resurrection, but at least she came close. Jack's living and breathing. Jack's glove was an idiot, OK technically it was means of providing a vessel for a big bad. But still, it was wrong. Owen's wrong. I don't know if John Barrowman was busy or stressed the week they filmed this, but he was distinctly stubbly in the last goodbye scene with Martha (more on that later). It seemed like Jack might not have really felt so badly at first. Owen's around, everyone's happy. But Jack also maybe sent Tosh over and kinda stalked Zombie!Owen down. I think we may see some major guilt coming around. I hope we still have this Owen, this broken, kinda angry, corpse Owen to spar with Jack. I don't think we've seen the last of bitterness.

Oh Owen. I want this weird life to kinda end. In a sick way, that's the happy ending. Kinda like how on Dead Like Me, the good ending is leaving Earth. I hope there's a payoff soon for Owen. This zombie thing could get old, fast. Like I'm talking Owen either needs to be gone for good or brought back to life by the end of the series (season). Any longer and this feeling of pity, sympathy, and general omg!tragic, is going to evaporate and when his time does come, it'll be too late for the viewer (read: me) to connect.

OK, now to Martha's goodbye. First off, she frickin' rocked. Like, I hoped we'd see an independent and strong Martha, and we sooo got it. Right off the bat, she was sent undercover. This was all I asked for when she was on Doctor Who, a big Martha on her own moment. To be fair, Martha spreading the gospel of Doctor did save them all. Jack sure believes that. I just adored them reconnecting. It was just perfect, a hint of Who. I still don't understand how people can watch Torchwood and not Doctor Who. It's like you're viewing the show in 2D instead of 3D.

Martha got her flirt on with Owen. Or more specifically, Owen got his flirt on with Martha. In 2.08, I was really feeling for Owen, who was grasping onto Martha for support and a connection. He looked kinda cute, kinda adorable, and totally sweet. I enjoyed the Martha/Owen dynamic, maybe not in a shippy way, but they played well off of each other. Then Martha and Ianto had a totally amazing moment in 2.06 (sorry for the ep jumping, I'm catching up on 3 weeks with 4 episodes), where Ianto mentioned Jack's bedroom skills as "inventive." I know Davies kept Martha to a PG level, but I'm glad we saw her in the Torchwood world.

OK, so the moment that may have woken up my roommate at 3am. Martha kissing Jack. And not your Doctor Who 2 seconding thing. This one lingered, and while there was no tongue, there was total technique. I was flailing and making generally shocked faces. I wanted Jack and Martha to have some Torchwood level relations, but those dreams were dashed when word of PG Martha came to light. That wouldn't have worked anyways, since Ianto and Jack are pretty serious. But back to Martha, taking the initiative with her Jack kissing moment. Dammit, that's taking charge! There was total lingering involved, too. I know Martha's still hung up on the Doctor, who called in a favor and got her this nice UNIT job, so she's not about to jump ship for Jack. But girl has her needs! LOVED the response that "everybody else has had a go", which is true, except Ten and Jack have never locked lips. That actually made me a little sad when he came back to Doctor Who. I could have handled with some Ten/Jack.

Now I'm jumping back to 2.05 "Adam". That was a really great story, with major exposition. I mean, did we not learn about Jack and Grey? It kinda makes you wonder how Jack kept his composure upon learning that John Hart found Grey. So, we're so having a Grey payoff soon, I'm hoping for Grey to be a clever, witty baddie, which leads to an emotional conflict or so.

It's weird, last series, all I did was whine about how dark and mopey the entire show was. Now, after really lightening things up, it's heading back down the dark road (the whole no-after life thing is a real downer). I'm totally on board, as long as we get some balance, and resolve this Owen bit, soon. Next week looks like it might be kinda light, but bordering on the stupid. Gwen, preggers with alien spawn... on her wedding day? Really? But I'm judging before watching, so I'll wait until then.

Word is this Arrested Development movie is actually moving ahead. Anybody else think the hint in the finale was just another one of their meta-jokes? I never actually thought it would happen. That's if Michael Cera hops on, because he's kinda exploding onto the scene...

Oh, and Jimmy Kimmel is fucking Ben Affleck.

youtube, doctor who, torchwood, dead like me, martha

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