Walking to class, I thought the wind would blow me over. It was that kind of winter day. With this writer's strike dragging on, I've found I have some free time. So what better way to fill it than with more TV.
Torchwood 2.02
Finally, an episode I loved. Jack was back being cool and smooth in the face of danger. That's the Jack I've come to know and love. Then there's the awesomeness that is Ianto. Seriously, when did he get so fucking amazing? Faithful Torchwood viewers, let me know if this Ianto's always been here and I've been too annoyed to notice it before.
Plot-wise, the episode was strong, emotional and possibly planting an arc somewhere. I'm looking forward to (hopefully) an invasion sometime in the future. Please work a story arc...
I'm still surprised that Americans love Torchwood so much. This episode made me slightly less surprised, but still, BBC America's #1 show?
Mad Men
I'd heard this was the best show on television, so I finally checked it out. It's an awesome show. I love how everyone who isn't white and Christian gets jokes about them. I think it's a brilliant demonstration of how far we have come as a society since the 1960's. Ever wonder what the world would be like without consequences for sexual harassment? Seriously, check out the show. Most films and shows made about this era are basically smoke-free. Well, Mad Men doesn't believe in that. Part of me wonders if the show is exaggerating some of the social habits of the time. I mean, was everyone smoking all the time? Were Jewish people really that outcasted? Were all women objectified? Assuming the show isn't exaggerating anything, it really is painting a very different picture of the 1960's than we get from most forms of media. Fascinating.
David Tennant, marry me. Just. Marry. Me. Singing, Murder, Cute Head Bobbing, David Tennant. Clearly one of the greatest things ever to grace the tube. Kinda makes me want Doctor Who on now. Even with Donna.
Hee new Lost Thursday!!! Then I'm so watching Eli Stone, because anything involving George Michael spontaneously singing clearly is the most amazing thing ever. Sad thing about Eli Stone is I know nothing about the plot and I have no clue if there will be epiphany related musical numbers every episode. Personally, I really hope so.