Because homework is still overrated in college:
First let me start with my "WTF CLAIRE" moment, which clearly involved me yelling at the TV for her NOT TO CUT OFF HER TOE. So what if it grew back, what sort of brainfart allows that to happen? Maybe that branch in the brain from season 1 damaged her permanently. Next week I predict Claire will behead herself to see if she'll grow another one. Also: Claire still feels pain. Is super-strong pain tolerance part of her gift? Even if I did heal myself, I wouldn't go further than giving myself paper cuts. Hand in garbage disposal? Nah. Backtuck off of platform with no cushion? Not an idiot. Oh! How about the hand in boiling water? Still no. Claire: Get a brain.
I'm going to miss Mrs. Petrelli when she dies. Not a spoiler, just an assumption. Her "GET OUT OF MY HEAD" moment completely rocked my life. It made the episode for me. It was bold and kick ass and scared the shit out off Parkman.
I found the moment when HRG and the Haitian met up again oddly heartwarming. Two skeevy, ambiguous good guys sharing a bonding moment. Tugs at the heart strings. But really, I did a happy clap.
David Anders is one beautiful man, just thought I should make that clear. I had hoped his power would be less Claire-ey, but what ever. More of him.
As for Hiro, he's getting pretty invested in this past-time. Wonder how going back to modern-times will work out, especially for his friends . I think he'd have trouble leaving the girl behind, and, frankly, I want David Anders and his cute accent around forever. OK, maybe I want his normal accent, I was slightly disappointed when I found out he was an Englishman. I'm dealing and enjoying his beauty.
Overall, I'm really liking this season, it's filling me with all sorts of happy feelings (primarily from Peter's hair cut, less so from Nathan's beard). I'm big on the little details about the powers. Last season introduced things and left them unexplained, but we were able to figure out stuff. This season is clarify limitations and the abilities. It's sorta like a season of exposition, but I'm OK with that. I want to learn more about generations and the Company, and it looks like that's what I'll get. So yay Heroes!
I guess it's kinda bad that the most exciting moments for me were when I saw the old team again. I get how this was a big test run and stuff, but seeing the newbies just made me miss the old guys more than I did last week. And last week was all about House missing them. This is only the second episode without them and only the first with a new team. I'm not sure how I'll handle an entire season of people learning the ropes. Again, it's only episode two, so I'll give the writers a chance to establish these characters (some of the people House fired I kinda liked; cute house-breaking boy and Russian girl).
Anyone else feel awkward when Wilson referred to Chase and Cameron as engaged? I know my heart still breaks for Jesse and Jennifer, all I can think about their workplace is "awkward".
I wish Jennifer Morrison would go back to brunette. I don't like her much as a blond :-(
Does Wilson seem less "enabler-ey" than he used to be? He seems to be taunting House more and acting more as a friendly antagonist. Just feels a little different. Cuddy, on the other hand, seems to be letting House get away with tons more with almost no questions. Weird.
Ways in which Moonlight is a direct rip-off of Angel
- Vampire with a conscience
- Vampire in LA
- Vampire Detective
- Vampire turned by ex-lover
- Vampire drives convertible
- Possible blond love interest
- Sped-up transition shots over LA
And that's the last I'll ever talk about Moonlight
I need to write a lab report, and it doesn't appear like that'll actually happen. My brain needs to get back into school mode.