ZZzzZZZzzzZZZz... What? Oh sorry, I was busy sleeping through this episode. WHAT A BORING EPISODE. Figures, it's another Jack episode. Don't get me wrong, every now and then, there is a good Jack episode. Mostly they just beat us over the head with the same point. Overachieving boy, bad daddy, doctor, leader... Everything we see week after week in flashback form. First problem: Bai Ling. She's Chinese. Jack's tattoos are in Chinese. He was in Thailand. Um... ?? Anybody have an explanation or was there something I missed?
My one positive thing: Damn Evangeline... When did you learn how to act? I'm seriously blown away by how much better she is than she was in the first and second seasons. Bravo!
Hee, how funny that the episode Joss directed last week was about vampires and the episode JJ Abrams directs this week is The Office's 47th episode. Something fishy going on over in Scranton...
This was definitely a funny episode. I was pretty bothered by how Dwight-ey Dwight was acting. He just seemed way stranger than usual.
I loved how sketch Jan got this week, and what was funnier was how weirded out Michael was. Jan is just a loose cannon, she's even adding "That's what she said." BTW her reaction was brilliant.
So... Pam... You and Roy... You do realize why you two broke it off... He's fucking nuts? Killing Jim? Noplz.
I still can't handle Jim/Karen. I mean, I don't hate her, I just hate how Jim is around her. It's sort of... too cute, if that makes sense. It's like, she's adorable, and he acts all adorable around her. And yes I understand I could say the exact same thing about Jim/Pam, but I'm not... Jim/Pam 4eva!
I so knew I was going to cry and lose it. I did. I still am crying on the inside. And the outside. I have no clue why I fell for Denny in this episode. I've really not liked Denny. I've not liked Denny and Izzy. Denny just sketched me out and his "romantic" lines came off kinda sketch for me. It's like, your patient is hitting on you. That's creepy. It almost felt like the live Denny was trying to be something for Izzy. The dead Denny was... Denny. It was a side of Denny I had never seen before. He was really sweet and genuine. It broke my heart, and now I want him alive. DAMNIT, I WANT HIM ALIVE. I WANT THAT DENNY WITH IZZY. At the end where you see Izzy, then you see Denny just standing alone. I shouted "NO!" then I cried. He can't move on, and he's forced to know that Izzy's moving on, and he's... stuck.
DYLAN! I never really got to appreciate Kyle Chandler at all. I'm not a fan of Friday Night Lights, so I have no clue how he is there. This week I just loved seeing him. I just adored how cool and on task he was. It was sorta like he was still doing his job even in death. He knew they had to help Meredith, and he knew that nothing was working. He saw everything as black and white, but that's OK. That's who Dylan is. That's Bomb Squad Guy. Black and white.
Derek. Derek is what killed me last week. Him breaking down was the most heart breaking thing I've seen in a while. He's the strong one, he's the one who is supposed to be charming and together. He completely fell apart without Meredith. And to be honest, I really wanted them together. I swear I hated Meredith and Derek. I hated them together and I hated them separately. But now I love them. I love every bit of them. I even appreciate the acting. Ellen Pompeo needs a fucking Emmy. She has really stepped up and I can't begin to describe how moving her performances were these past few weeks. I always said I hated Meredith because she was whiny, but now we're seeing more and more of why she's like that. And I can like this Meredith.
Ellis Grey died. I had this horrible fear that Ellis would be lost, even in the afterlife. I was afraid Meredith would come up to her, and her mother's reaction would be "Who are you?" I am so grateful that Ellis is Ellis again, and that she told Meredith how wonderful she really is. That ordinary line killed me weeks ago, and now it's better, and Meredith knows it's better. I think Meredith will be better knowing that her mother thinks she's special, and I think we'll see major character changes for Meredith, and for Derek! Derek has opened himself up so much, and I think we'll see a more intimate relationship. Meredith said it best to the dead guys. "I have intimacy issues." Then she goes on to say how stupid it all way. It really was so dumb for her to be like that. I think she'll change.
Addison. My dear Addison. I loved her before it was cool to love her. Kate Walsh has been nothing short of amazing with her acting. Addison telling Derek to pull himself together because people need him was the strongest thing she ever did. She has to work with her ex and his girlfriend day in and day out. She can't hate either of them, and may still love Derek. She needs to console her ex, and she's strong enough to do it. I think this experience allowed her to move on from Derek. This season we've seen her start to move away, but now she's acknowledging who Derek loves, and she's beginning to accept that Mark may have actually loved her, and they weren't just a fling. Though we'll have to see if she's through with Alex. I don't think he's done with her.
Christina is the coldest character. She's Ms. Internalizing. That's all she does, and her coping skills were nothing short of terrifying. Binge shopping at dollar stores? REALLY? It makes sense, she shops, drinks, and then slowly mourns. I'm glad Burke was there to verbally bitch slap her into shape. When Mere started waking up, I loved how Christina just broke down. I think Christina realized how much she really needs a close friend. It's great to see how far she's come and how she's seeing these people as more than competition. It really was important for her to reveal her engagement. I think it was more important for her to let Meredith know she waited for her. I noticed this one tear roll down Meredith's face as Christina told her the news.
Izzy. Izzy. Izzy. Girl you don't know when to keep it quiet do you? I'm no fan of Callie. I wanted to kill her when she basically said all of Izzy's friends die. Bitch. But before that Izzy really needed to internalize and stop being selfish. George is her best friend, and she owes it to him to be happy, or at least be supportive. George said it best, if he's made a mistake with this, he's going to need Izzy there. If he hasn't, he needs her to be OK. That's friendship, Izz. I hope they don't spend too much time on this story. I really need to see more Mere/Der. Yes I said it. Hell may have just frozen over. SHOCK.
I downloaded the pilot. I'm very underwhelmed. Very. The pilot didn't really establish where this show was going. Then entire episode took place in a flashback, so... I'm clueless as to what the situation is now. Well, I sorta know. My main problem: It's too young. It just feels like it wants to be on the WB after Smallville. When you're dealing with the mafia in Hell's Kitchen, you do not play Arcade Fire. Nothing is soft, everything is very rough and tumble, and the music and mood did not match the setting and plot. I get complicated characters and shit, but everything just felt like they were toned down way too much. The bad brothers just felt like... eh brothers. The mood just felt really, really off. It's possible to do shows with a young cast and still skew it to everyone. See Grey's Anatomy. You have a pretty young, hip cast with young, hip music. Still, the writing and acting overcomes all of that to bring it to a level where everyone of every age can relate. So far the pilot has delivered CW stuff on NBC, where it won't fly. I'll rewatch the pilot next week, and I'll see the episode after that, but I'm not so sure I'll change my mind.
PLZ MAKE ME DO HOMEWORK. I'm just hurting myself... BLEH!