My schedule's been so frakked up lately, so I've missed a lot of shows...and sleep. But thanks to a nap this afternoon and a five-day weekend, I'm ready to catch up...and do SAT prep.
So I missed the last two episodes, but I finally caught up tonight. Here's the problem: Sorkin can't write sketch comedy. I think there are hilarious moments involving the characters, but once he tries to have these supposedly brilliant sketches...they just fall flat. Like two weeks ago, they showed a sketch with a credit card representative calling a customer about a purchase...That was not funny...what did he think having someone do a stereotypical Asian accent was funny? I feel like if they could just get the sketch comedy right, the show would all just fall into place.
This week's episode irked me...I do not like irony if it involves blatant product placement. I know NBC's in a fix, but they are just abusing product placement... Staples and The Office? Sure that shredder gag was funny, but I felt like that little scene would have been a great commercial, just not in the show. This week's episode of Studio 60 was just dropping labels left and right. And yeah, I get it was ironic to have them argue against product placement when the actual show was swimming in it, I just hate it. I cringe at product placement, and even the best efforts (see The Office and Staples...and Chili's...and Hooters) just always rub me the wrong way. At least it wasn't like "VAUGHN! THE F-150!" I guess if you're going to do product placement, be going to Hooters or Chili's...but slapping a big label on something or being like "wow I just love [insert product name that no one would ever use in casual context]"
OK now, I have zero interest in Matt and Harriet...I just don't care, they are no Josh and Donna... I just find their scenes very out of place, like you're doing this humor and this type of drama, and then you cut to this mushy stuff... Dunno, I know some people love this show and I know some people who can't stand it. I guess I'm falling more on the liking side, but I have issues with it.
I'm so happy Lucy Davis has a larger role. I miss The Office, good thing we've got Gervais's US episode airing in two weeks :-)
HEE! They saved the cheerleader!!! I really liked this episode, it had so much going on, but I was actually interested in the action. And Peter and Claire meeting up was great! Anything involving Sylar creeps me out, he's like everywhere and no where all at once. Looks like Peter was able to save the world by slowing Slyar down, leading to Horn-Rimmed Glasses's minions capturing him. I think Sylar has the power to permanently absorb other Heroes' abilities. Kinda like what Peter can do, but Sylar can maintain the powers or he figured out he can use the Heroes' brains to keep their powers.
OK, as with every episode of this show, I have character development issues. Claire. BAH. High school is a great exploration of how her gift would segregate her. I would love to have seen the process by which she was dropped from being popular... You know instead of just hearing about it. It just felt like we should have seen more of that...well seen any of that.
OK, time travel blabber that is hurting my head. So, if the PTB's at Heroes know what their doing, Charlie will die. The moment Hiro jumped back in time, the timeline change. So Charlie is still dead, meaning that in the past, Hiro could not save her. Now, the problem is two-fold.
This is referring to the timeline Hiro created when he jumped back to save Charlie: Hiro and Ando still arrived at the diner together. So if Charlie had met Hiro 6 months back, wouldn't everyone at the diner have recognized him. Let me clarify. Once Hiro jumped back, the past had two simultaneous Hiros. So in the changed past we didn't see, Charlie would have already known when Ando and Hiro walked in. Also, that lady who identified Hiro in the picture, wouldn't she have been like "you and him walked in!" because they still would have. You see, everything we saw with Hiro and Ando and the Diner was changed the moment Hiro jumped back. It may not have changed Hiro and Ando's experience, but it would have changed Charlie and the people in the diner. Unless Hiro warned Charlie not to be overt in greeting Hiro and Ando when they showed up 6 months later. And if Charlie still died, it would give Hiro the reason to jump back in time in the first place, therefore completing the loop and making sense. Otherwise he would effectively disappear from the timeline without reason. But did I mention I hate time travel paradoxes? Odd seeing as I've got serious love for Doctor Who. Maybe that's because the time travel there takes place thousands of years apart, not just months, so we don't have to bother with the after effects.
The problem is I think Hiro's going to end up saving Charlie somehow. That would screw up the whole thing... Or Hiro could come to the realization that it isn't in his power to do this, and he'll jump back and only a few seconds have passed between the time Hiro left and when he returned... So when Peter Petrelli comes, Hiro will be there, therefore making Isaac's paintings about the Homecoming true. Or whatever. Maybe because Hiro changed the timeline, Isaac's
paintings wouldn't include Hiro and Ando at the Homecoming. GAH I hate timetravel. Why can't it just be linear like in Harry Potter when everything occurs at once, and you don't realize the other end until you go back in time. See POA.
So, BSG is moving to Sundays at 10, and that news story got me my first
Digg article on the homepage! It's funny, as of last night, it had 8 diggs. Here's hoping
Kevin Rose diggs it and it gets on Diggnation. I have lame aspirations.
Have you guys seen the new
OotP trailer? Helena Bonham Carter looks incredible as Bellatrix! GAH I'm so excited!
OK back to catching up. I've got two eps of Prison Break, and one of Veronica Mars, House, and Torchwood.