Mar 09, 2006 10:03
wow this place is the shit. the food ive had so far is excellent. we ate at this really badass italian restaurant last night. i havent tried any weed yet, but we got a gram of nepalese hash yesterday and it has been fucking us up ever since. seriously a bowl each and we are too ripped to remember how we got to the coffee shop. there are headshops everywhere, and it looks like business is good. the women here are beautiful! well, actually everyone here is better looking, partly due to the fashion sense, but partly because there are almost no fat people. anywhere. its probably from smaller food portions and the fact that everyone rides bikes. i wouldn't want a car for the city, the public transportation here kicks serious ass. subways go everywhere. busses go everywhere. going somewhere further? take a bus to the train. im in love with a city.
ill probably get a few grams of weed today, but i cant figure out what kind of dro to get (theres no reggie here). the menu yesterday had blueberry and turkish gold, which sound tasty, but the counter guy said white widow was the strongest... ahh decisions decisions. ill probably have to make completely different choices today, as we are going to a different coffee shop for sure. they are EVERYWHERE!
in short i am in love.
despite the abundance of great ass, i remain faithful to my lady. (not that i coulf flirt in dutch)
i havent seen any martial arts schools here. either there is no market here, or the groundwork has been laid for a kenpo takeover.
i havent seen a single cop since i left the airport.
the food is good.
the weed is better.
people are friendly and helpful. they probably get a kick out of stoned tourists walking around like idiots. hahaha
they show boobs and bad words on regular tv!! like those things exist in normal life...
i have a new respect for the moped.
i think ill have a summer home here.