:star::star:Trades : Closed.Working on the ones I owe.:star::star:
:iconmisted-laughter: i've actually tried this several times already, i'm having the damnest time drawing Cy. I'll work on her digitally instead of traditionally from now on.
:iconmearu: redoing.
:icondragoness77: Not necessarilly a trade,still owe artwork to.
:icondrewthewolf: started over
:icondefilerwyrm: Started working on it.Sketched out ideas.
I owe a lot of people trades, I have them written down in my documents on my computer.If your not up it's not that I have quit the trade. I PROMISE.:heart:
I am now accepting commissions.Ask me for prices!
:iconKsilebo:Inked,coloring in photoshop
http://www.deviantart.com/view/35295550/ :iconbyzy: Inking/ finishing sketching.
:iconshrunkenone: Hard to draw,will get reference.
:iconleccathufurvicael: artowed.
:iconmarshroots: Art owed
there's more, I just cant remember..
I'm part of the dragon artist's list.Are you?