CBC Promised Land: 40 years since Uganda

Jul 27, 2010 17:26

I heard a shocking and gut-wrenching story on the radio last night.  CBC Radio is doing a series called "Promised Land: Ten stories of harrowing, exciting and often dangerous escapes to Canada as told by the immigrants and refugees who endured them".

Last night was about the expulsion of the Asians from Uganda in 1972.  These weren't just immigrants, some had been there for generations.  All,  ALL had to leave.  Oh lord, what a  tear-jerking and UTTERLY infuriating story!    In July 1972, I was 10 years old and even as a kid in Canada we knew Idi Amin was bonkers.

One more example of what people allow other people to get away with.

ugandan expulsion of asians, cbc radio promised land

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