
Feb 09, 2004 02:01

I could never understand how when someone sees me smoking, they automatically ask me one of two questions..."Do you know that's bad for you?" or "Have you ever tried to quit?" This always made me wonder how people viewed me as a smoker. I'm extremely happy taht the glamour of smoking has died out and that is one of the main reasons I must suffer through being asked these questions daily, because it is something that I would not want anyone to start. Trust me, I'm terribly hypocritical when it comes to this. But to get back to my main piont, what makes people feel the need to ask me one, if not both, of these questions.
First off, to all of the "Do you know that's bad for you" ponderers. Yes, of course I know it is bad for me. I know that it is the cause of emphysema. I know that it takes years off of my life. I even know the joke that it takes off the worse eyars of my life, even though thats not true, it jsut means that those worse years come sooner. I would be extremely ignorant if I missed all of the medical reports, the lawsuits, and the truth commercials. I also know that there is no such thing as a "safe" cigarette. With the way that smokers are becomming the minority in today's USA, it would be impossible to miss any of this information. Hell, even the cigarette packs themselves have it written on it.
For all of thosw who ask me "Have you ever tried to quit?" or "Have you ever thought of quitting?" to be honest, no. That is right, no. I am sorry if that ruins any of your ideologies, then I must apologize( Once again, to be honest, I don't give a fuck about your beliefs in my smoking). Just because I smoke, please do not automatically assume that I want to give it up or that I want to think about my future health conditions. Most of the time, I don't want to think past the time that I have my next cigarette. I smoke because I enjoy it. If I was going to quit, I would not be smoking.
Why are people so compelled to ask smokers these questions? Do they feel that they need to somehow find a way to herd the lost sheep of the human population? I really don't like sheep, except on my plate, so the last thing I would want to be is one of them. Also, I really do not enjoy being lost and most of the time I am not. As long as I know the general direction of my destination, Ill keep going that way until I find it. Maybe they are scared that I do not know the consequences of my actions. As I said two paragraphs ago, I would have to be extremely ignorant not to know. Maybe they don't enjoy me sitting in the diner smoking as they enjoy they're dinner. To them I'd say, sit in non-smoking. If they have a problem with that, such as saying that it's unfair that they are being segregated to a seperate part of the diner because of how they feel about smoking, my answer to that is "How would you think I'd feel about being ostracized because how I feel about smoking?" The only explaination I can come up with, is two sided. They feel they need to say something. On one hand, they feel that by saying something, they take the responsibility and the guilt off their hands when a smoker has cancer (This is what the tobacco companies and the Truth commercials are doing). On the other hand, and this is the side that I personally experience the most, is that by their saying something, they feel that they are better than smokers. Better health maybe, but Im sorry, roses still smell the same on both sides of the tracks.
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