Aug 02, 2003 01:26
i received a very strange telephone call today.
it was from "ma'oz," a manager of mine at coast mountain sports where i work before he quit. he called to inquire as to whether i would like to cover his shift on sunday from 12-5.
after a moment's hesitation, i agree. i, curious about the time of the shift, ask him whether the store was still closing at 7 on that day (usually a 5 hour shift would be from 2-7 on a weekend, and in addition, the following day is going to be a holiday). he responds by saying he's not sure because he didn't check the schedule, but he knows that the shift starts at noon. then he says something like it might only be until 4:30.
this further presses my buttons because a scheduled shift is either 4 hours long, or 5 hours long. there is no in between, and i note this to him. he responds by saying he doesn't have the schedule with him, so i ask whether i should call in to confirm the time, and he says it isn't necessary because he's at least sure that the shift starts at noon.
so i complacently go along, and ask him whether he was rehired and what position he now had, to which he says he's the new manager of the footwear department (he was previously manager of the store, but its not unheard of or even unusual for people to take a lower position once they tire or can't keep their higher positions). i say we just hired a new manager for footwear, and he replies with something like he's just helping out for the week or some mumbo jumbo.
i say ok fine, hang up, and proceed to call the store and speak with the manager who has no idea what that was about.
i didn't like this ma'oz character to begin with. he disliked me and didn't show me any respect (he couldn't even remember my name for over 4 months). he also scheduled me in as little as possible, including a stretch of over a month where i didn't get a single shift, and at other points giving me usually a maximum of one shift a week.
i sure would like to find out who the hell the person who called me was. how i wish it had been on my cell phone where i have number display. or that my mom hadn't disabled *69 for our line.