Oct 05, 2007 16:09
Both of my suite-mates and my roommate have left town for the weekend. Robert and I are going to the Stone Cup. It's a coffee shop in down town Chatt. I've never been, so he's taking me. I'm pretty excited.
I've been sick all week long. Some days are worse than others. Yesterday I started feeling really good, then it all just hit the fan. I almost could get out of bed today. I did and went to my two classes for today, then ate and slept from 12-3. I've been sitting around for the past hour and 45 min waiting for Robert to finish is laundry.
Tonight, after the we get back, I'm going to the Rugby game. We're playing UT. We're going to get creamed, but I don't care. I love rugby and I love our rugby team. I'm looking forward to it.
While I was sleeping today, I had a series of weird dreams. They were all the kind that made you feel like you were still awake and it was really happening.