Aug 30, 2007 23:08
This makes me hurt
"This is great because I love Charles Dickens and he is a great American author."
When did this happen? I'm pretty sure Dickens didn't change nationalities all of a sudden, seing as he's dead and all. I always thought that where you lived when you were alive was where you lived, period. Unfortunately, after you die, people drag you all over the freaking place.
So, I've been reading again and I've realized that Bosnia and Kosovo are pretty much screwed. Also, the Serbs are sort of freaky. I'm starting to dislike them about as much as I dislike Russia.
I slept two hours last night.
I slept four the night before.
I don't know how many I will get tonight.
Good God, I'm staying alive purely because I keep eating everything I see. I think my body has found a way to turn calories into rest, because I tried to take a nap today and it wouldn't work. I just started "wake-dreaming" instead. By the way, that's the term I invented just now to describe the condition when your brain only half shuts off, but you're still dreaming and listening to what's happening around you and thinking about it, also, as if all that's not enough, your body's not actually asleep either. It's sort of like being in a coma, which doesn't help very much.
But I'm certain that I'm going to make it even though the end doesn't feel anywhere in sight.
And oh precious children, those who forget the past are doomed to repeat it. It's why you need to know history. You can't really argue you stance on the war in Iraq if you don't know the historical events that led up to it. Seriously. More people need to read. If they did, then maybe they'd be less stupid.