dude where's my car

Apr 16, 2008 13:48

 so not a movie i'd ever watch unless i was very drunk.

Anyway about 2 hours at the gym today.  6 miles collectively on tread and bike maintaining target heart rate for 30 of the 40 minutes. Full body workout including the hateful lunges which compared to the glute workout is stinky easy. I hate the glute press/push whatever you call it.  15 minutes of stretching almost every muscle possible. The stretching machine is pretty cool. I'd take it home if i could. First off you have to cuff yourself to it so you don't accidently slip off and hurt something. That of course appeals to me, the cuffs, not the smashing my face into a bar by slipping.

Then a 6km walk home. There is no ice so no walking like old people with the  fear of falling and breaking a hip.

Now I'm really hungry. The protein drink I had before coming home has worn off. There's this little place down the block from the gym that sells protein drinks. Also for sale are big tubs of protein powders, whey powders and other stuff i'm unfamiliar with. The girl in the store was a hottie. Totally straight vibes off her. And really it's not like i'm in an episode of The L Word. But she was a hottie.

Garth has been gifted with some very valuable amulets from the Mafia monk. So far one of them is worth 800$ cdn.  He's been told there could be more coming his way. Mafia monk gave another person an amulet worth 1 million Thai baht (30-1) for helping him out but never did anything for the monk. Garth is actually doing the research and planning for turning the monastery into a retreat for foreigners.

Mental note to self. Go to the bathroom before leaving the gym for a 6 km walk. D'oh

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