Jan 22, 2006 00:04
YAY!! wonderful these past few days just keep getting better and better..
guess wat? ive got staff again... YAY!! so i couldnt wrestle today, nope, so i slept in a cold gym and sat there the next morning for 14 hours doing nothing, but watch everyone else wrestle... and me, sitting there, doing shit...
what wonderful news, huh?, and the best part. my mom wont take me to the doctor again cuz she's saying i wouldnt have gotten staff again if i had taken my medication correctly, what the hell! i did too take my medication correctly, hell, its not my fault that staff stays in my fucken blood system, its not my fault that its never really gonna go away, not my fucken fault that another staff outbreak may be caused by stress (which is most likely what happened to me this time), fuck man... theres only so much i can do to prevent this from happening...
fuck man... ::sigh:: oh well, i would have gotten killed at this tournament anyways, i wouldnt have been able to complete against most of the guys there, they were true 215lbs, heh, im just a wrestler that couldnt cut it at 189, im starting to wonder why the fuck im wrestling, its taking up so much of my time, im wasting my parents time, my hands and ankles are fucked up, and i just havent really had a goodnights rest since it started, ::sigh::,
i dont know what to do honestly... i already think ive lost the one thing i really want above all else, ::sigh::, i feel like such a fool, but then again, when do i not..
my apologies to anyone who is growing weiry of my constant stupidity... but this is the only way i can do it without it building up too much in my head, ive have enough shit going through my head as it is,
anyways, im off, tomorrow is gonna be an interesting day for me... ::sigh::
im actually NOT looking forward to it... wish me luck...
P.s. sorry i couldnt make it to the movie night, hope u guys had fun...