*crawls in, gasping and wheezing*

Sep 29, 2010 21:31

I have been in grad school for five weeks and I have had eleven tests.

Count 'em.


Hence, not so much with the posting. (You lol because I never post anyway. ICU.) It feels like it's been balls-to-the-wall studying as soon as I got here, except not really because I am as always, A+ in procrastination. But yeah, shitloads of work, complicated by the fact that my last chem course was in like 2006. Considering which, I am doing an A+ job of remembering Dr. Mal's orgo lectures from freshman year - the only problem is when we start in on shit I haven't done like magnetochemistry, which Burgmayer totally scorned. I am still alive though.

Also, I am such a baby, GOD. When I started playschool, my tears were apparently legendary - my Mom had to come to school and sit with me for a week. (I clung like a limpet lol, go little me.) I totally cried the first week of college too. And it was all I could do not to bawl once my family left and I had to go face a dormful of strangers. But I managed to hold it in. PROGRESS \0/

Just as well, BECAUSE I AM FUCKING TWENTY-SIX. But man, I was perpetually ready to hurl on the inside for like a week. Sample convo -

Lecturer: Quiz tomorrow. You're taking it, right?

The weather's lovely. I haven't seen the north of 100 F in a while it feels like and the dorm is fine. Okay, it's not Bryn Mawr, but as soon as my cousin heard I was going to back to grad school she told me all about how there used to be snakes in the bathroom in her college dorms in Bombay. For which harrowing of my soul I am totally grateful, because the occasional grasshopper seems like a picnic now.

Oh God, I am supposed to be doing labs. brb working.
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