49 the GazettE icons
-[20] Ruki (Zy vol. 29)
-[19] Reita (Rock & Read vol. 14)
23 Final Fantasy VII icons
-Zack Fair (Gift icons for
here @
n23_road IN OTHER NEWS. The Chronicles of My Illness
BluePeterLadyboy (19:16:42): uugh my head hurts so much
MinatoArisatoP3 (19:18:05): -rubs- do you know what's wrong yet?
BluePeterLadyboy (19:18:36): it's just a cold
BluePeterLadyboy (19:25:46): or it could be manflu
MinatoArisatoP3 (19:26:26): lol, grow anything interesting? XD
BluePeterLadyboy (19:27:12): THREE EXTRA COCKS
MinatoArisatoP3 (19:27:37): OH MY
BluePeterLadyboy (19:36:51): uuugh why am I out of vitamin c tablets *sobs*
MinatoArisatoP3 (19:37:52): Because the world is trying to force orange juice on you
BluePeterLadyboy (19:38:18): NEVER. *KICKS DOWN A SMALL CHILD*
MinatoArisatoP3 (19:38:50): LMFAO GPTJADMWJT
That is how much I hate OJ 8(