I woke up with a pocket full of promises

May 31, 2009 23:15

fom disbar

1. Leave me a comment saying, "Interview me."
2. I will respond by asking you five questions. I get to pick the questions.
3. You will post the answers to the questions (and the questions themselves) on your blog or journal.
4. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the same post.
5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions. And thus the endless cycle of the meme goes on and on and on and on.

1. If you could change one thing about the world today, what would it be and why?

The teenage "popularity contest" mentality. It's such a juvenile attitude that people carry with them throughout their entire lives. It's one thing to act like a brat when you're thirteen. Entirely another when you're thirty.

2. If the sky wasn't blue, what colour WOULD it be?

Green or Indigo. Because they're the two colours either side of it in the spectrum. I think that's how it would work anyway .-. lmao can you tell I stopped paying attention to physics when I left school

3. What's better: cake or pie? And why?

Cake. It's a much more pleasant texture and it comes in a wider variety of recipes and flavours. Plus I very rarely find pies that I like.

4. If you were stranded on a desert island, what three items would you NOT take with you?

I wouldn't take lightbulbs. Kind of useless on what I'm assuming is an island with no houses and therefore no light fixtures. I wouldn't take anything that gives off smells that might give animals the Wrong Idea. And I wouldn't bring brussel sprouts. gtfo my life forever alksdf;l

5. HUGS OR GTFO What's your sleeping schedule like? B|

HUGS. I don't really have one. I just... keep going until my body quits on me and then I crawl over to the couch if I happen to wake up for long enough to do so. So, yeah. I tend to sleep in this armchair here, it's bad for my health probably, but it helps avoid issues with the parents. So, whatever.

From squeakyorm

reply to this post and i will make you a letter gift. take the gifted letter to your harddrive and upload five songs. five shalt be the number you shalt upload, and the number of the uploading shall be five. six shalt thou not count, neither count thou four, excepting that thou then proceed to five. seven is right out.

So I got F. This was stupidly difficult asdlkfkl

Freesia - Girugämesh

Filth in the Beauty - the GazettE

Feeling Good - Muse

FUZZ electro cruisin' mix - MUCC

Field Below - Regina Spektor

interview, music, look at this icon, meme

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