http://community.livejournal.com/ratingtwilight/182430.html?view=1308062#t1308062About you
Meh, reading, cat-napping, listening to music in my darkened bedroom, listening to people talk and walking around with friends to wherever. Love the family and my doggy.
Dislikes: Idiots, yucky food, dirty things(playgrounds, railings anywhere, dirt, bugs, the floor..)
Strong Points :
Very compassionate and empathetic, good with being a crying shoulder/listener/adviser lady to whomever. Usually very contented and never stressed about anything, school, future, college things.
Weak Points:
Kinda passive about my own life and sometimes a little too nonchalant about things that are apparently important to other people. And random bouts of self-hate -___-
Being utterly alone. Just...everyone in the world dying off. And being useless to those who need me.
Goals for the future:
Get a job, travel to a few countries I want and live there for a year(s?) and have a house filled with my kids.
Describe yourself with 5 words:
casual, nonprivate, compassionate, stable, consistent
What do you feel is your best quality? Why? Hm. Suppose my care for people. I just think it's a good trait to have, wanting to help and lover others. Without that feeling, well, we'd just be very hateful, secluded people, not caring about anyone but ourselves.
Your worst? Why?:
Eh, my lack of priority. Given the option of dallying the day away or working on a project I know is going to keep me up until the wee-bits in the morning, I'll still waste my time all day.
What's your favorite quote? Why?:
"My dear, I am here for you" This is the greatest gift you can give someone.-Thich Nhat Hanh. It's...true. Sure, we can go around thinking of material things that are wanted, but at the end of the day, the greatest thing to have is friends or family and people who love you surrounding life.
Where is your favourite place to be, and why?
Either on the couch with my dipshit dog on the floor, little brother running and pulling shit off the table, mom farmvilling and dave on the other couch while we're all just chatting. It's just...home. Also grandmas house, which is like that scenario but with x4 the people.
If you could have one "supernatural" power, what would it be?:
Damnit I'd want to read minds. I'd feel bad for a little while but with so many masks on people I'd like to see what's underneath. Or flying for obvious reasons.
Something you admire: Honesty
Something you detest greatly: Judgment
Who is your favorite character and why?
Goddamn favourites uh. Probably Jasper, I really, really adored him from book one. He seems like a genuine guy and is very interesting and can be deeply looked at.
Who is your least favorite character and why?
Bella. I...jesus. I have never read such a crappy character in my life.
Favourite paring?:Least favourite paring?:
Canon? Alice and Jasper. She's my second favourite character and they're adorable together. Edward and Bella...they're both idiots and stupid and annoying things. Augh.
Would you rather be: a human, a vampire or a werewolf:
Vampire. Sexy bamf. But what the fuck, sparkling -_- Meh, I'll play it off....it's...lotion.
Favourite book?:
This or that
Optimistic. Living while always looking on the sad side? Doesn't appeal.
Meh usually a follower unless it's something I care about enough to lead.
Healthy middle
ehh outgoing in a sense that I'm not shy? usually just..too lazy to strike up a convo.
Dark. Not in a I'm so deep, but really nighttime I feel much more comfortable and energized to do things
Intuition. Everytime I ignore it, I shoulda gone with it.
How did you find this community?: from khr_rating
Anything else?:Uh thanks for votin' :'D