1 About you
Name: Victoria
Age: 18 in 3 months
Gender: Female
Likes: I like to read, spend time at the library and in the nature, animals, learn about different things, draw, puzzles, writing, photoshop, classical music. Poetry, creating things, arguing/debating, thunderstorms, art, museums, fog.
Philosophy, Psychology, Medicine, Science, different languages. I love to travel as-well.
I am also a fan of discussions. I like to ramble on and on about things and convey my opinion on others. Listen what others have to say, what they think about the issue. It's interesting and keeps me a bit more open-minded. There are many ways of looking at things.
No organization, people who have low standards for themselves, ignorance, immaturity, perverted people, the ones who talk a lot about random things no one cares about, I prefer constructive debates and talk about things that are interesting, I'm not by all means a far of gossip.
People who are full of themselves and keep talking about how great they are.
People who talk before they think.
People who don't respect your privacy.
People who are intolerant of the beliefs and opinions of others; unreceptive to new ideas.
- The really up-tight types, stressing and flipping out when something goes wrong/the ones who blow things out of proportion.
- I dislike prejudiced people. It's okay with me, if someone has tried something, lived through it and formed him opinion on that, but I dislike it when they form their opinion based on what others think and what others do, don't even try to see for themselves.
It's like some people can't think for themselves and aren't even open-minded enough to try it. It's annoying.
- I hate it when people get so worked up about what others think, it makes no sense, those people don't matter. And no matter what you say to them they care so fucking much, it's sickening. Screw others and what their idiotic opinion is and just be yourself, don't care about what they think and live your life to the fullest, it's yours and yours alone, why waste it to "please others" and do what others think is "acceptable".
Strong Points: I'm very good when it comes to languages. My independence and the fact, that I always rely on myself.
I am also passionate about life and the things I am interested in, sympathetic/supportive/protective. Ambitious, confident, resourceful, creative, able to perceive and read people well, imaginative, outspoken, loyal to the very few people who deserve it, caring, honest and trustworthy (if you trust me with something I will never ever betray your trust, even if we have a nasty fight and become enemies for life), determined, emotional strength, very curious, fair, a need to uphold justice. I also have a great sense of humor, or so I've been told.
Weak Points: Unyielding, a "bit" temperamental (when severely provoked) - I'm very stubborn and I'll back down when hell freezes over and if you're equally stubborn and will continue to oppose me, even after I calmly try to make you see, try to explain to you and make you back down or reach a compromise, it will definitely not end well, especially if you're standing between me and something I desire dearly. I'll defend my principles vigorously, it's not my fault if people are stupid enough to stand in my way. I also tend to get very temperamental when someone disagrees with me on a thing I feel strongly about, I'll try to change the person's view on the subject, because I tend to think my way is the best way and it's obviously not, I am open-minded, but I also rush into things from time to time.
Sarcastic, unable to forget (I do forgive to a certain extent), too forceful sometimes, a little impatient, selfish, secretive, sometimes a little arrogant, obsessive about things I want/wish to achieve, A hard time trusting people.
I suppose I can also be very curious, so curious I can get my ass kicked for sticking my nose into the things I shouldn't. I love it though, it's one of my guilty pleasures. :P
Fears: I think my greatest fear is not achieving anything and have a mediocre life, not be remembered for anything after I die. I don't want to waste my life, have a normal life. I want adventures and I want to go out there to achieve something, I want to do something in life, make it worthwhile.
I also fear death a little, there is something beautiful in death, but the unknown scares me. The thought of lying there, like some rag doll, helpless and broken is just horrible. But not being remember for anything and not leaving a mark behind is worse.
There are other fears, like closed places, no freedom. I need my freedom more than anything, I don't like to be held down. If I would be locked somewhere, with nothing do to, that would be my worst nightmare. Locked or having to stay somewhere, all the precious minutes of my life ticking away one by one. >.>
What do you feel is your best quality? Why?:
I think that is my empathy, I can always find the right words, when people need them. I am not the touchy-feely kind of person, but I can feel greatly for some people and always try to give them the best advice I can or help them, if they seek out my help.
Other qualities that I really value in myself are also my drive and passion for life. Also the fact that I can always remain somewhat optimistic, even when I am completely down I will mock myself and that will make me rise. Idk, it's just my attitude towards life that I love the most.
Your worst? Why?:
Probably my selfishness. I can be very selfish, uncooperative, and difficult at the expense too often of the well being of others. I'll always watch my own back and I'll take care of myself first.
Another one would probably be that I can be very arrogant and indifferent at that, and the thing is I don't care one bit when I'm off to achieve something or if something I have said hurt someone. I mean, it's their problem if they can't take it. >.>
I also have a bit of a temperament. >.>
Describe yourself in one word: Idealistic.
One murder makes a villain, millions a hero
What are some of your traits that would make you a good villain?:
I suppose my way with words, my intuition as-well.
For more traits look below.
What type of villain are you?
Charismatic, classy definitely. Refined, subtle and cunning, but also aggressive, impulsive and dangerous.
Ambitious, independent, mysterious, proud, detached, private, sarcastic, witty, analytical, outspoken and passionate.
Also the darker, more classy type, not the wild one who runs around mindlessly.
What are some things that would motivate you into villainy?:
My ideals mostly. It would just be the harder way to achieve my goals, because people rarely like to play nice. But isn't a villain someone who wishes to achieve his goals, he's just playing a bit rougher than most?
Another thing is my curiosity on how people would react. I think I'd have my own psychological experiments and that would motivate me. I would really like to mess with people's heads, I find it fascinating.
I think that as a vampire I'd get bored and that would motivate me into becoming a villain. After decades of books and when I would learn everything I have wanted to (of course I'd still keep up with current achievements in Science, Psychology etc.), I'd get bored. And I would have the power, so why not play with them a little?
What makes you such a deadly villain?:
Charm and subtlety, cunning. Also my unyielding personality, my passion and most of all, my temperament. You dare not cross me.
ETA: My imagination. Mwahahaha!
What would be your vampire ability?:
To make an explosion?
Sometimes when I am really angry I feel like I could explode, I feel such power inside of me.
But I would also like a type of mind-reading ability. I find the human mind fascinating and a lot of time I find myself wishing to know what people are thinking.
Do you often seek revenge?:
Depends on what the thing is, not really often as people don't usually betray me, so I have no need to seek revenge, but if there was something horrible, I'd go for a little revenge. Although I would also prefer to talk it out first, get to the bottom and figure out why they have done what they did. Then we can "play".
What makes you angry?: A lot of things, but most of all being controlled. I cannot stand being told what to do, or anyone trying to be bossy.
Another one is immaturity and I really dislike ignorance as-well.
For more look at my dislikes.
Would you join the Volturi?(Why/Why not): Joining them would be like joining Voldemort for example. While I love what they have done and I like the fact that they worship the arts so much, I believe it would get rather dull after a while. I don't like to follow orders, so I'd be very difficult. I'd prefer to go out and do things in life, not just sit around and do nothing or read books all the time. I enjoy reading them, but I just think the Volturi need a bit more excitement, most of them have no passion for life.
Although I think I'd like to discuss certain things with some of them, I'd like to talk about different books, philosophy and things like that with some. Maybe Aro or Marcus? They seem more intellectual types.
There is another way to look at this; if I could be one of the leaders I'd join. xD
One may smile, and smile, and be a villain
Choose two words that appeal to you most:
[a little *cough*] competitive
[] predatory
[] aggressive
[X] charming
[] naive
[NOT A] follower
[] indecisive
[] sadistic
[X] ambitious
[] apathetic
[X] sarcastic
[somewhat] impulsive
[X] diplomatic
Anything else:? I wouldn't like to be stamped as James or Laurent. James is too wild and dirty, he has no class or style and Laurent is just so silly and weak. >.>