Ситуация на рынке покупки судов на металлолом в Бангладеш

Mar 15, 2011 20:31

Во-первых, обещал вернуться к этой теме с более подробными комментариями.

Во-вторых, издавна питаю особенно нежную "любовь" к этой азиатской стране.

Нет, ну в самом деле, уникальные ребята. Суд принял постановление, но судья его не подписал.
Судья постановление не подписал, но сделки уже вовсю осуществляются. И какие сделки - уровень 
зашкаливает за 500 ам. долларов за тонну. Индусы нервно курят в сторонке.

Да, кстатит об индусах  (и чтоб два раза с дивана не вставать) - в конце февраля с Индии таки был
принят  бюджет  (по поводу принятия которого все так переживали). Изменения по налогообложению
в сфере импорта судов для последующей утилизации на металлолом минимальные; фактически всё 
осталось таким же, как и было. Цены на металлолом соответственно никак не изменились и  вот уже
2 недели остаются на прежних уровнях: 450.00 - 470.00 за сухогрузный тоннаж и +25 ам. долларов за

Итак, по Бангладеш:

The big news for the week of course centered around Bangladesh and the much anticipated reopening of the Chittagong market after almost a year out of th game. New conditions are expected to be putted in place and the industry will be closely monitored in the future 
to ensure standards are maintained, but perhaps THE big player (in terms of price and favoured size of units) is back again to compete 
with India, Pakistan and China.

However, it's not ALL green as yet since the judge who was expected to sign off on the court order from last week, has yet to put ink to 
paper. There is a growing concern as to why this could be, but many are hoping this is just a formality and that a full set of guidelines
will be drawn up by the end of next week.

Tankers will have to be gas free for hot works from now and hazardous materials inventories will have to be thorough and specific - as they are now in India. As a result, many end buyers are refusing to commit to tonnage until they have fully read, understood and digested the new regulations (and that can only happen once the judge signs the order).

Nevertheless, cash buyers have wasted no time in taking tonnage for Bangladesh with some phenomenal levels touted from the market. 
Some proved to be unfounded rumors more wide of the mark, but at the time of writing, there were still some deals being furiously negotiated and concluded at strong numbers. The logic in concluding deals before the order has even been signed, ratified and approved, is perhaps for another day, but speculation has always been the name of the game in cash buying industry !

For the time being at least, bulkers have seen (and concluded at) USD 500/LT LDT and excess, with tankers (suitably gas cleaned) seeing USD 525/LT LDT and excess. The impact on competing markets has yet to be fully realized, but there is some suspicion they will have to raise their levels just to keep up.

india, bangladesh, market report, cash buyers, scrap

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