Столкновение судов в Мумбаи (Бомбей)

Aug 09, 2010 16:13

Наверное, некоторые уже слышали в новостях, что в субботу, 7-го августа рядом с портом Мумбаи произошло столкновение двух судов. Публикую сообщение корреспондентов на местах с фотографиями:

1) On 07.08.10 morning, vsls Khalijia ( Agent : Mitsuitor / Dammani ) and MSC Chitra ( Agent : MSC India / Samsara ) collided in the inner anchorage of Mumbai Port. No casualty reported.

2) After collision, with very severe damage to the bow, Khalijia was berthed at BPX. It is supposed to discharge its steel cargo there. Smit salvage team is on board and they have appointed surveyor j.b.boda on their account for the discharge operation.

3) MSC Chitra is with 75 degree list as of 09.08.10 and has drifted to W 1 inner anchorage. Have to confirm whether is has run aground or still afloat. The crew, except of Master, C/E/O & C/O, have been evacuated from the ship.

4) Smit has signed Lloyds Open Form for the salvage work of MSC Chitra and their team is on board. Firstly they are mitigating all chances of oil pollution and priority is to take out the bunker fuel on board. Earlier, they had signed LOF for Khalijia also.

5) Understand MSC Chitra was outward bound from JNPT, after disembarking pilot, and Khalijia was proceeding from the inner anchorage towards the channel to pick-up pilot when they collided. She was scheduled to berth at Mumbai Port.

mumbai, collission

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