Dec 13, 2007 16:41
So last night Evan and I ended up on the subject of Bigfoot (we were watching the history channel and something made me think of it). He told me that Bigfoot has one more chromosome than a chimp (I think, or some kind of primate) and one less than humans, so an odd number. And they think Bigfoot might be the missing link, right...
Well... mule's have an odd number of chromosomes, too, which is why they can't reproduce. And mules are made from a donkey and a horse mating. So... like, if a human has sex with a chimp, and someone gets impregnated, can that create a Bigfoot? Or, why can't it?
Wait... I think I just realized why maybe it can't... If it can't reproduce, that might make it harder to be the missing link, huh?
Oh well. Still... can human x chimp = Bigfoot? :D