Live Fast, Kill Plenty (Sam/Dean, NC-17)

Nov 09, 2010 14:13

Title: Live Fast, Kill Plenty (but try not to leave too many corpses behind)
Author: Vera
Pairing: Sam/Dean, Sam/Dean/Castiel
Rating: NC-17
Disclaimer: Me no own.
Word Count: 6.092
Warnings: mild bondage, blood!play
Summary: Sort of an AU take on season 4 with Sam being slightly more evil, but even more loyal to Dean. Basically, this fic is them ( Read more... )

rating: nc-17, fics, fandom: supernatural, genre: threesome, genre: evil!sam, genre: spn au, pairing: sam/dean, pairing: sam/dean/cas

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Comments 8

smash86 November 9 2010, 22:35:03 UTC
WOW!!!...this was just so intense and raw and powerful!!!...I don't read a lot of evil/boys...but I LOVED this...I think because of the loyalty and trust between Sam and Dean. THe imagery of broken dark Sam and ever protective Dean was awesome and hit the nail for me...and then the need and sex just made it perfect!!!

The way you used Cas was quite intruiging as well, especially how he hinted at fixing Sam...*laughs* I want MORE of this fic!!

*hugz*...niiicely done, great writing!!...oh and lovely use of the art prompt!


raths_kitten November 10 2010, 20:33:25 UTC
Thank you very much!! I did really enjoy writing this, but I don't think there'll be more. But who knows.

The art prompt came with the line "Sam and Dean are evil. And they smoke a lot." It was inspiring. ;)


loveme_likethat November 10 2010, 23:52:45 UTC
I'm not usually a fan of evil!boys, but this was so gorgeous. I love Dean's reticence that buckles in the face of Sam - it felt very real.

I esp needed this after the last episode XD


raths_kitten November 11 2010, 20:33:53 UTC
Ah, yeah, I started writing this before I saw the recent eps. Thankfully, or it might have depressed me too much. Thank you very much, I'm glad you liked it. :)


acethekid December 21 2010, 22:10:43 UTC
This was beautiful, just some many good things working together, it like a time piece.

Corrupted!Sam+Adapting!Dean+Cryptic!Cas= Perfect storm


raths_kitten December 22 2010, 00:45:55 UTC
Oh sweet, someone read this! Thank you very much for leaving feedback. This was so damn much fun to write, it pained a little that nobody seems to want to read it. ;) I'm really happy you liked it!


acethekid December 22 2010, 17:30:46 UTC
I love it! And it does seem like you enjoyed writing it. I'm going to add it to my memories.

Well, I'm off to read more of your fics.


raths_kitten December 23 2010, 23:57:16 UTC
Hope you won't be disappointed. I wrote a lot of J2 schmoop. But I'm glad to hear you want to read more. :)


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