So, I dunno. I didn't really like the ep. I think it revealed too much. And there was just too much Campbell in it to be a good episode. But really. For six episodes we only get glimpses and hints and then in one ep suddenly we know what's wrong with Sam, what Samuel is doing, why they're back AND who's the man behind it all. And that he's holding Sam's soul as collateral. (Assuming he's telling the truth. Demons still lie, even more so crossroads demons.)
The only thing that ties in nicely is the whole soul theme. It's all about souls. And I doubt Crowley wants purgatory for the location, he wants the souls in it. I actually thought Samuel might be working for an angel. I would have liked that better.
I think the reason why Samuel is doing all of this is Mary though. Remember last season? No Mary, no John? Quite possibly Crowley has told them they're in purgatory. Which might even be true. Mary's been a poltergeist in her last form and John's soul was sold to hell, but he crawled out. Does that mean he really went to heaven? Or is it more a John Constantine situation?
Anyways. I was so, SO happy when sleazy!Campbell finally got killed. But it seems we haven't seen the last of him after all. *sighs* It's ruining Corin Nemec for me, and that's a sad, sad thing.
I liked the first vamp. I read a comic like this once, with vampires hunting cavemen. And he had charisma. Too bad they already used Lilith, since I do believe she's usually the mother of all monsters. (At least in the Vampirella comics she spawns the vamps.)
Now, can we please have a moment to think about Sam? It's like everything that happened after "he has no soul" was just not important anymore. He also doesn't sleep and he has superhuman strength. Hello??? How about that??? Does that not seem odd to any of you? *slaps Dean upside the head* Yes, it's explained by him being one of the special kids and maybe it was his soul who held his powers back, since he didn't want them, but can we please address it? And no sleep is just plain stupid. It's not the soul that needs rest. It's the body and the brain and you can seriously die from sleep deprivation. Have you never seen House?
I am vastly disappointed they really went with the no soul thing. Because it's just stupid in a universe where we've established what happens to your soul after you die. It was one thing on Buffy, but here it's not your body going to hell, it's your soul. So now there should be two Sam's. One in the cage and SamBot up here. So it makes not a lick of sense that SamBot has all the memories and is even functioning. What's with Sammy? Is he existing at the same time and having tea with Lucifer while plotting ways to kill Crowley? Since Lucifer is still also back down there and Crowley is kind of stealing his position?
A part I really, truly loved was Castiel. "Of course. Your problems always come first." Ahahahaha! I laughed out loud. Oh, Cas. I love you even more since you learned the true meaning of irony. Now who wants to bet the boys are not actually going to inform Cas about the recent Crowley development even though it might very well be very important re: his war. *re*