A Reason To Stall (Ruby/Gabriel, PG)

Sep 08, 2010 23:09

Title: A Reason To Stall
Author: Vera
Pairing: Ruby(2.0)/Gabriel
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Me no own.
Word Count: 1,220
Summary: Ruby is seeking out the Trickster and finds they have a lot in common.
Author’s Note: This was written for lanapedia as part of the spnrarepairs fic and art exchange. I hope it’s anywhere close to what you wanted. Sorry I am so very late (and short). Thanks for beta-reading to cas166644.

As soon as Ruby entered the hotel room, she was slammed up against the wall. She tried to use her powers to fight him off, but it was futile, he’d already blocked them. It was exciting, to be honest. Exhilarating. “I hate you so fucking much,” she snarled.

“Right back at you, baby,” Gabe smirked before his mouth latched onto hers in a passionate kiss.

Ruby kissed him back ferociously, thinking back to how it all started. It was hard to believe that it only happened four weeks ago. It felt like a lifetime. A lifetime with him. And that meant a lot, coming from her.


“I think the Trickster is in town,” Sam said, fists clenched, dangerous edge to his voice.

Ruby blinked, startled. “The Trickster? The one who kept you hidden from me for months?” Not like she remembered any of those months, or maybe it didn’t happen at all. She just knew that Sam had come back fucked up - and angry at her for leaving him alone after Dean’s death. Which really. She wouldn’t have! Helping him cope after Dean was finally out of the picture was part of the masterplan. She was here now, wasn’t she?

Stupid Trickster. If that moron had screwed her in with Sam permanently, he so had it coming. As it was, Sam still wouldn’t trust her completely, still thought he was alone in this.

So she promised Sam she’d help, but locating him would require a powerful spell and she had to get ingredients. As soon as she was alone, she performed it and went to see him on her own. She was curious why he’d taken such an interest in Sam. Her Sam. Did he know why he was so important?

Sam had been right, he was indeed around. She found him two blocks over in a fancy hotel room suite. But before she could decide on whether to kick the door down or knock, it swung open to reveal a grinning, slightly unimpressive small man.

“Ruby. Nice of you to swing by,” he said and waved his arm to indicate she was welcome inside.

Ruby frowned, the fight reflex seeping out of her. “How do you know my name?” She entered cautiously and looked around. The bed was in shambles, there was champagne and strawberries and… a chocolate fountain?

“Oh, please. Don’t insult me,” the Trickster replied. “I know everything that goes on with these two knuckleheads. Or, well, the one that’s left anyways.”

“Why?” Ruby grabbed a strawberry and dipped it in the chocolate, then devoured it. Fuck yes, she loved having a body.

“Go ahead, help yourself,” he sounded amused. “And you don’t need to know. All you need to know is I know what you’re doing. And keep it up.” He gave her a thumbs up and Ruby almost choked on her strawberry.

“What the fuck are you?” She stalked closer, sniffing him. He didn’t smell very pagan. He wasn’t a demon either. Nor any other kind of creature she could think of. In fact, he smelled suspiciously like…

But before she could finish the thought, she suddenly found herself lying on the bed with the Trickster above her. “Trust me, you don’t want to know.” And then he was kissing her, sucking the taste of chocolate right from her lips and Ruby’s head was spinning.

She could fight him off. She knew she could. She should. But somehow… she didn’t want to. She wanted to be here with this man, whose body fit hers so much better than Sam’s. Who was so much gentler than Sam. Who, when it was over, didn’t roll over in disgust but instead wiggled his fingers and suddenly the strawberries appeared right next to her, already covered in dark chocolate and then he winked and the whipped cream came next.

“I could get used to this,” Ruby sighed before the Trickster - or Gabe ‘call-me-Gabe’, as he’d moaned out a little earlier - proceeded to feed her.

“Me too.” He cocked an eyebrow, as if surprised by himself.

And somehow, only two days later, she found herself in his room again.

They talked a lot, too. Mostly about humans and what made them tick and they tricks they both played on them. And food. Whatever he was, Ruby knew this wasn’t his real body. He wasn’t corporeal just like she wasn’t. Which was why they both loved this, right now, so very much. Turned out he had a sweet tooth and a craving for anything sugary or chocolaty while she leaned more towards salty and fatty. Usually they had a combination of both. Thankfully Ruby couldn’t just heal her host, she also controlled the metabolism.

However, they never talked about Sam and Ruby’s involvement with him. Nor did Gabe ever reveal his true nature. Ruby tried to put a spell on him one day, vex his Trickster powers, so she could get a hold of him and pin him down to the bed with her own powers before she proceeded to pour ketchup over certain delectable places of his body. He’d let her, for a while, before she was suddenly flipped over and pinned herself.

No way was there a flaw in her spell. He was just not the pagan God he pretended to be. After that, power play became free for all, and she used hers when he wasn’t thinking, same as he kept using his for more than to produce food out of thin air.

“I admire you,” Gabe told her once. “Always standing up to your kind, fighting them. You’re basically alone in this. One of you against an army of them.”

Ruby had to look away, because that wasn’t really all there was to it. She wasn’t alone in this. She followed Lilith.

Gabe must have known, must have sensed it somehow. “At the end of the day, you go your own way, make your own choices.”

Ruby turned back to look at him. “I’m here, aren’t I?”

”You are.” His smile was blinding and he planted a soft kiss on her lips.

“You’re here as well,” she reminded him. “Even though I’m sure there’s a pompous bastard for you to teach a lesson to elsewhere.”

“I can be many places at once, kitten.” He kissed the tip of her nose.

“What?” Ruby pulled back. “You mean while we’re…”

”Hells no.” Gabe assured her. “You make me lose my concentration. When I’m with you, you’re all I can focus on.”

“I better be,” she grinned and reached for one if the cherry flavoured lollypops on the nightstand. She swirled her tongue around it and send him a wicked smile before she slowly crawled down his body.

Ruby had no idea how long this would last, how long it could last, in the greater scheme of things. She’d already slowed in her training of Sam, but there was only so long she could stall before Lilith got suspicious. But for now, Ruby was content. Truly happy. A feeling she’d thought long lost to her. And she vowed to make the best of the time they had left. And who knew? Maybe once this was all over, once the apocalypse had passed, they could find their own little corner of the world and claim it for themselves.


And because I am so late, here's three bonus icons for you:


genre: het, rating: pg, pairing: ruby/gabriel, fics, genre: spn, fandom: supernatural

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