Silver Lining (J2, R, hooker!schmoop)

Sep 07, 2010 02:46

Title: Silver Lining
Author: Vera
Pairing: Jensen/Jared
Rating: R
Disclaimer: Me no own.
Word Count: 2,022
Warnings: Hooker!schmoop
Summary: Jensen and Jared are both hookers and friends who live together. One day, someone offers to take Jared away from it all.
Author’s Note: This was written for this prompt at the SPN/J2 sex industry fic meme

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genre: hooker!fic, genre: cw rpf, rating: r, pairing: jensen/jared, fics, fandom: supernatural

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Comments 44

redrum669 September 7 2010, 08:48:12 UTC
Awww, just lovely :)


raths_kitten September 7 2010, 15:39:02 UTC
Thank you. :)


kathi22 September 7 2010, 09:26:51 UTC
so glad for the happy ending! *yay*


raths_kitten September 7 2010, 15:41:22 UTC
Of course. Happy ending is imperative. ;)


albalonga99 September 7 2010, 09:45:52 UTC
You made me cry. So beautiful.


raths_kitten September 7 2010, 15:42:20 UTC
Aw, I'm glad my ficlet touched you so much. Thanks!


oldbatj September 7 2010, 10:06:31 UTC
Actually very sweet the way they love and look out for one another. Love to see where this might lead if you decide to share some more..... Hmmmm????


raths_kitten September 7 2010, 15:44:07 UTC
Haha, from the beginning that I saw this promt, I thought 'dammit, this would make such a great BigBang!' but I think I'll keep it as it is. Too many unfinished projects already.

Thank you!


pippii September 7 2010, 10:11:57 UTC
This was really lovely, love Jensens insecurity
and love for Jared, and that Jared had saved up for both of them all the time♥


raths_kitten September 7 2010, 15:45:36 UTC
Thank you very much.


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