I recently joined facebook (to find friends lost over the years). Today I started looking for groups there on facebook that support/discuss Polyamory in a positive light and I stumbled across a group that is against it called "
Against Polyamory". There I found a few points that greatly bother me.
First, they claim to understand polyamory but have a picture of a Final Fantasy Dark Wizard asking He-Man's Orko if he is his daddy. I love the picture (as a geekdom tribute it rocks) but it is so totally misused there. I cannot imagine a healthy poly relationship (yes, they exist!) with children where the children didn't know who their father was!
Secondly, an openly gay man (
Lorin George Sellyeh ) stated that polyamory is a choice, not an orientation. I find this sad because decades ago the same thing would be said about him.
I think that for some, polyamory is a choice, but for others it is as much a part of them as being attracted to men is for gay men. Additionally, if it doesn't harm anyone but those in the relationship (which it shouldn't if it is handled properly) then why does it matter to anyone else?
Honestly, the GLBT could loose credibility by letting people like this Lorin toss about statements like that. I know that there will always be people like this, but it is disappointing to me to find someone in such a close social group (GLBT is viewed as sexual deviency by many still, as is polyamory I believe based on some people's reactions) taking a stance that could so easly be turned against their own group as well.