Last night I was at my parents' house doing laundry, because they are nice enough to allow it (THANKS, MOM). I was hoping that Heroes was going to be on, so I switched the ol' dish to NBC. According to the program guide, "
The Year Without a Santa Claus" was going to be on at 9. "Hell friggin yes," I thought, "that is even better than Heroes."
IT WASN'T. It was some live action remake with Roseanne's husband as the jolly fat one. LAME. I did not watch it, but I can only imagine how crappy it was (although
Michael McKean as Snow Miser might've been okay?). Instead I headed back to the apartment and finished my family portrait, which I have to pick up at the Wal-Mart tonight.
I will probably be getting my Christmas Cards ready tonight. If anyone want in on this, email your address to boreddusty @t the gmail.