Random nattering about fic and deadlines and stuff

Aug 22, 2010 00:58

So now with the Dean/Cas Big Bang draft done and sent in, and my summer_sam_love fic all written and ready to be posted on Monday, I just realized that I don't have another fic due for another three whole weeks!

This is exciting!

So of course now I feel like writing a whole bunch of other things. Which is silly, because starting in three weeks I have four fics due, one of which is another Big Bang (I know! I know!), although that one's not due for a month or so.

I swear to God, it's like crack. I can't leave it alone.

I'm also thinking of de-mothballing two old fics I wrote when I was just starting out in fandom. They're rough, but I have a soft spot for them because they're the first things I ever wrote in this fandom and they never got posted to my LJ. I think I should take ownership of them even if they're not as good as I'd like them to be. I'll probably post them tomorrow, maybe back-dated so I don't clutter up my flist.


The rest of this post is me talking to myself about dates and stuff. You can skip it if you'd like.

I have to update my list of ongoing works, and then get my ducks in a row, fic-wise. Apart from the challenge obligations, I have a handful of fics that I'd like to write or continue in the meantime.

So, challenges and dates are, in the order in which they're due:

summer_sam_love: episode tag to "The Rapture," due September 11th. No wordcount limits.

deancastiel: Secret Angels IV fic exchange, due September 17th. Minimum 2,000 words, and I already have the premise and a rough plot in mind.

werewolfbigbang: 10,000 words, due September 25th. Already begun, although I'm not sure I want to keep what I have.

kamikazeremix: 1,000 words minimum, due September 27th. Read the fic I'm remixing, pretty sure I know what I'm doing with it.

What I'd like to write also:

1- At least a couple more chapters of RiD. Ideally, maybe one new chapter a week. Maybe I should pick a day of the week on which it posts and just stick to once a week, so it's not feast-or-famine for my poor readers.

2- I have an idea for a crack!fic that won't leave me alone. It's mpreg. IDEK. I think I have to write it and get it out of my system.

3- roque_clasique has kindly given me a prompt for my "Silent Night" verse, and I'd like to write it as a celebration of her finding accommodations and starting school and all that.

4- I owe peppervl a fic. Waiting on a prompt.

5- There are a couple of prompts over at the comment-fic meme going on at hoodie_time which have piqued my interest. One of them will be a quickie, but the other one may take a while.

So, yeah. Lots of projects, very little time. Story of my life! It's all good, really. The second list doesn't ALL have to get done right away. It's more of a wish list than anything else. :)

damn you fandom i used to be normal, present, fic challenge, comment-fic is eating my brain, deancasbigbang 2010, crack!fic, writing is hard!, prompt, writing projects, sometimes i think too much, get your butt in your chair, attack of the rabid plot bunnies, remix, fic exchange, werewolf bigbang 2010

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