Comment meme! Bring on the crack!

Jul 22, 2010 08:51

So I was talking with pkwench yesterday, and instead of working on my castielfest fic, I allowed her to talk me into a crack!fic comment meme ( Read more... )

damn you fandom i used to be normal, crack!fic comment meme, crack!fic, challenge

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Re: FILLED: "Issues" 5/?, Winchesters, Castiel, Crowley, Zachariah, PG-13 mesmorizee July 23 2010, 21:09:33 UTC

It would have been really great if he could get Michael and Lucifer together in the same room and have them talk it out. But that was never going to happen. So instead he was stuck with another patient.

“So, Zachariah” Gabriel started and gave the ring of fire a dismal look. Sure he could easily remove the scorch marks, but it still was a damn shame that he had to have a fire in his office! But there was no other way to have this talk. Zachariah must have tons of issues and Gabriel was determined to get the angel to deal with them.

“What is going on?” Zachariah glared. For an angel he was very unfriendly and angry.

“Let us talk about your anger issues” Gabriel said. Zachariah glare intensified. They were both silent for a long while. Unfortunately Gabriel didn't have the greatest patience in the world, so he was the first to break the silence.

“Really Zachariah, I'm sure your existence would greatly improve if you opened up a little”

“I don't have any issues” Zachariah said. It wasn't even a lie, the guy really thought he didn't have any issues. Or well, he did have issues with Dean but unfortunately Gabriel couldn't hep the guy with that. He had tried and it had failed. Not that Gabriel was going to admit to a failure. Instead he just sighed and snapped his fingers. Making Zachariah go away. That angel had always been boring.

“Are you guys sure you don't want to open up about your codependency issues?”





Re: FILLED: "Issues" 6/6, Winchesters, Castiel, Crowley, Zachariah, PG-13 mesmorizee July 23 2010, 21:13:15 UTC
“Are you guys sure you don't want to open up about your codependency issues?”



“So, you abandoned your kids.” Gabriel looked at the tennis ball on the futon. It has two large black dots for eyes and a straight line for a mouth. It looked kind of like it was frowning.

“Was that really such a good idea? I mean, the humans won't really care, they'll always do whatever they please. Never caring about consequences. But us! Those who needed your guidance? Not me of course.” Not anymore at least. “Why did you leave them stumbling around in the dark, not knowing what to do?” The tennis ball was silent. Obviously. “When you think about it, everything really is your fault. How does that make you feel?”

Gabriel sat in silence for a moment and then snapped his fingers and knew that the tennis ball had ended up in a desk drawer. He felt bad about blaming his father for all of this. Of course it wasn't his father's fault. Not entirely. The guy was God. He wasn't supposed to make mistakes. But Gabriel couldn't help but think that maybe he had made a mistake after all. Though what had been the guy's mistake Gabriel had no idea. Anyway, this had been a complete waste of time. He should get back to some real patients.

Gabriel tries another group session, for his fellow pagan gods. Only Loki, the real one, shows up to complain about Gabriel impersonating him for years and years. This takes an hour because Gabriel is unable to get the guy to shut up and leave. And once the guy is finished he claims that he wants full custody of the kids. Gabriel protest. The ensuing argument lasts for two days, five hours, seventeen minutes and 3 seconds. Gabriel is pretty sure he won.

“You know, the whole anger thing. And your inability to control it at times. It makes you come off more as Anakin Skywalker than Luke. Do you really want to be the whiny brat?”

“Gabriel I don't want therapy!”

“But you need it!”

“Not from you!”

“What do you really feel about John Winchester?”

“I don't need to talk about this.”

“Everyone needs to deal with their daddy issues!”

“So, what do you think about God? You know, your father and him abandoning everyone including you?”

Gabriel snapped his fingers making Dean go away. Maybe he should just go back to being a trickster and deal with them that way instead. It would probably be more fun.


Re: FILLED: "Issues" 6/6, Winchesters, Castiel, Crowley, Zachariah, PG-13 bladeachilles July 23 2010, 21:37:23 UTC
Stop writing? Stop writing? What sort of nonsense is this? THIS FIC WAS TOTALLY AWESOME!

Seriously, my love for this cannot be contained. Everybody was spot on in their characterization and the crack was hilarious!

Things that I particularly love:

-This was so, so Gabriel. Dragging everybody into it, then snapping them away when he got bored is exactly the kind of stuff he would do!
-The tennis ball! It made me LOL and want to hug Gabriel at the same time.
-Hee, the Supernatural characters really would make the worst patients ever. So much denial! So much repression! So many Daddy issues!

In conclusion:


Re: FILLED: "Issues" 6/6, Winchesters, Castiel, Crowley, Zachariah, PG-13 mesmorizee July 23 2010, 22:08:13 UTC
YAY! I am so glad you liked it! :D I am always worried that people won't find things I write funny. So I am so glad you thought it was hilarious. :D

And really, really glad you liked the characterization of them all. :D

- Yes, this is exactly what he would do for a couple of weeks or so and then he would get bored entierly and go find something else to do. ;p

- The tennis ball bit was supposed to be funnier? Or something, IDK. Gabriel decided that he wanted to be serious for a bit. Or as serious as he can get. I love writing Gabriel and yeah, I wanted to hug him too.

- They really are hopeless! But I get that maybe having Gabriel as their shrink isn't the most appealing idea. XD

- Bobby had to be in it 'cause he's awesome like that.

Awesome gif. :D Still incredibly glad you liked it and commented before my worries made me delete this whole thing. XD


Re: FILLED: "Issues" 6/6, Winchesters, Castiel, Crowley, Zachariah, PG-13 shyriann July 28 2010, 08:39:07 UTC
Oh... Oh, GOD! I was mildly amused, giggling along and enjoying having Gabriel again (really, you did a great job characterizing him) and then I got to the tennis ball and I just LOST IT. Well done.


Re: FILLED: "Issues" 6/6, Winchesters, Castiel, Crowley, Zachariah, PG-13 shyriann July 28 2010, 08:39:54 UTC
Oh, and Bobby. That was so perfect I want to give you a medal.


Re: FILLED: "Issues" 6/6, Winchesters, Castiel, Crowley, Zachariah, PG-13 mesmorizee July 30 2010, 11:41:19 UTC
I love making people laugh so I'm happy it worked. ;p
(I like writing Gabriel so it's nice to hear that you thought I did well with his characterization)

I was a bit unsure about the tennis ball at first, but apparently it was a good thing I didn't cut it out. XD

Oooh, a medal that is very nice! :D


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