Comment meme! Bring on the crack!

Jul 22, 2010 08:51

So I was talking with pkwench yesterday, and instead of working on my castielfest fic, I allowed her to talk me into a crack!fic comment meme ( Read more... )

damn you fandom i used to be normal, crack!fic comment meme, crack!fic, challenge

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Re: FILLED: "Same Sense of Humor", 2/6 Sam, Dean, Michael, Lucifer, Gabriel, God, PG-13 mesmorizee July 22 2010, 18:05:42 UTC
Sam was pretty sure there was something he was supposed to remember. There was something really, really important he was supposed to remember but he had no clue what. It was possible that it had something to do with not saying yes. But what was he supposed to say no to?

And of all moments to freeze up like this it had to be now? Lucifer was standing right in front of him asking Sam. Sam of all people to go to prom with him. And Sam had no idea what to answer because his brain had decided that now would be a really good time to remind Sam that there was something he was supposed to remember. But while his brain was helpfully in many ways it couldn't actually provide him with anything but “you're supposed to remember something important”.

He felt an elbow shove at his side, pretty hard actually and he was brought out of his confused battle with his memory and looked up again. Chuck was standing next to Sam and making impatient hand gestures towards Lucifer. Lucifer who was beginning to look a little worried and behind Lucifer Sam could see Lucifer's friends; Brady, Crowley, Lilith and Ruby, Sam's ex-girl friend who broke his heart and dumped him in front of the entire school. There were more to the story but Sam didn't like thinking about it. Sam hated her and one day he would get his revenge. They were giggling behind Lucifer's back, although Crowley wasn't doing much giggling, he always were more mature and annoying than the rest of them.

“Um...” Sam said and the look in Lucifer's eyes got even more resigned. “I need to think” Sam said and fled.


“But... But... I'm not GAY!” Dean protested, standing in another corridor with no knowledge of what his brother was doing. Some younger girls standing a little further away giggled and hid their heads together and started whispering. Michael was standing in front of Dean and looking at him like he was somehow brain damaged or something.

“I know that. I was just thinking that since Lisa broke up with you and I don't have a date either we could go together. As friends.” The last part he said really really slowly like the way some people talk when they talk to someone who doesn't speak the same language. Dean had always wondered why they thought slowing down would help the other person understand.

“Oh, right, of course.” Dean answered and shook his head and then looked further down the corridor towards where Lisa had her locker.

“You sure she isn't going to take me back if I ask really nicely?”

“I'm sure buddy. She made it very clear.” Michael slung an arm around Dean's shoulders and started steering him away.

“Now, what do you say, shall we go together?”

“Yeah sure, why not?” Dean asked and as he asked that something far back in his memory tried to get his attention but he shoved it back down. He couldn't see anything wrong with going to prom with a friend. It would be better than sitting at home and admitting defeat.

And he'd been friends with Michael for as long as he remembered. This was going to be fine.



Re: FILLED: "Same Sense of Humor", 3/6 Sam, Dean, Michael, Lucifer, Gabriel, God, PG-13 mesmorizee July 22 2010, 18:06:24 UTC
“What have I done?” Sam complained and let his head thump down on the table. Then decided that leaning his head against his arms would be more comfortable so he crossed them on the table in front of him.“I must be brain damaged” he muttered, voice slightly muffled against the skin of his arm.

“There, there,” said Chuck and awkwardly patted Sam on the back. Chuck was sitting next to Sam in the library where Sam had taken his refuge. Sam would often go here when he needed to think. He felt at home in the library.

“Now Sammy boy this can't be worse than the whole Ruby debacle can it?” Gabriel, Sam's second best friend after Chuck. They had forced him to decide who was the best, Chuck won because Sam had known him longer and because he was slightly less weird and crazy than Gabriel. Gabriel who was currently sitting on the table because he had at the start of the week decided that chairs just wasn't for him anymore. Sam was pretty sure Gabriel should be somewhere stuck in detention hell at the moment because of that decision, but the guy had never been big on rules.

“This is worse.” Sam complained. No way was he whining. Sam Winchester did not whine. He may sometimes pout and or use his tactical advantage called the puppy-dog eyes, but it was just crazy to not use every weapon you had available so of course he would use them!

There was a smacking noise coming from Gabriel. He probably had one of his ever present lollipops. He would usually have them and the chocolate bars confiscated too and then he would get detention again for trying to steal his candy stash back. Sam sometimes wondered how he had ended up with this crazy person as his friend. He couldn't even remember when he'd gotten to know Gabriel.

“Nothing can be worse than the Ruby mistake.” Gabriel protested.

“Gabriel has a point.” Chuck said.

“Of course I do! I always have points!” Gabriel said. Sam lifted his head and gave Gabriel a dubious look.

“Every one else would have jumped at the chance to go to prom with Lucifer but not me, I said that I needed to think about it! Obviously I'm brain damaged!” Sam said and leaned his head back on his arms and he missed Gabriel giving Chuck a weird questioning look and ask “Did we accidentally turn him into a fourteen year old girl mooning over an out of her league boy?”

He missed that though. Because he was deep in thought. He had been kind of crushing on Lucifer since what felt like forever. Lucifer had been a friend of Michael's who of course was a friend of Sam's brother Dean. But there had been some sort of falling out between them and Lucifer had started to hang with a new crowd. And Sam who was a few years younger had never really gotten over that first crush thing.

Sure he had had girlfriends and he had been pretty sure he had been in love with Jess. But then she moved away and they lost contact and Ruby... Ruby had been a mistake. Sam was the first one to admit that. But he had thought that she would be his little rebellion. Something he could do to show that he had no plans of following in Dean's foot steps much less his father's. Things had gone bad though. Sam didn't like thinking about it much.

And then he'd sworn off relationships and particularly girls forever and now he was back to his old crush on Lucifer. It was kind of the same thing though, with the rebellion. That crowd neither Dean or their father wanted them to hang with but looked so tempting just to drive home how Sam wasn't like them, how he wanted to decide who he was for himself.

And now suddenly Lucifer wanted Sam to go with him to the prom. Sam hadn't even know the guy was interested. Actually he hadn't even known Lucifer was gay!

Sam had to do something about this now. He stood up so fast Chuck and Gabriel flinched away from him in surprise.

“I'm going to prom with Lucifer.” Sam announced and without waiting for Gabriel or Chuck's responses started to walk away. Though he heard Chuck say:

“Well, that was easy”

But he had gotten too far away and therefore missed Gabriel responding with:

“Told ya it would work. Much better than an apocalypse”



Re: FILLED: "Same Sense of Humor", 4/6 Sam, Dean, Michael, Lucifer, Gabriel, God, PG-13 mesmorizee July 22 2010, 18:07:06 UTC
“You are going to prom with Lucifer?”

Dean was staring at his little brother who had a very defiant look on his face and Dean hated that look. It was the look that said “I know you're disappointed/angry/upset with me but I don't actually care because I am going to do whatever I want and screw the consequences”. Sometimes Dean really wished he was an only child. But only sometimes and only for very short moments.

“You are going to prom with Lucifer?” He sounded like a broken record but he had been surprised and really it had to be repeated because what the hell? Was this another one of Sam's stupid little rebellions? The ones that lead to tears and screaming matches with dad? Dean did not need that again. He'd had enough to last a lifetime.

And he was suddenly very happy he wasn't bringing a girl to prom because it looked like he was going to have to keep an eye on his baby brother. Who, yes wasn't really a baby anymore, but how was Dean supposed to suddenly think about the guy in any other way when he still pouted and used his sad puppy-dog eyes whenever he didn't get something he wanted?

“Yes, I am” Sam said, voice defiant too. The little brat expected Dean to protest loudly and forbid him from going. Well then, Dean wasn't going to oblige. If Sam wanted a fight he wasn't going to get one. Not until Dean caught Lucifer putting a hand on his little brother. Then there would be a pretty big fight and he would probably get Michael to help too. Michael and Lucifer pretended that they had a truce but it was just a matter of time before something happened that would have them both explode and start fighting again.

“Alright, if that's what you want. But if this turn into the same thing as the Ruby mess...” He paused and gave Sam a serious look. “Well, don't come crying to me” Sam huffed and spun around exiting Dean's room. Dean himself flopped back on his bed and sighed. He really missed mum. If she had still been there maybe Sammy wouldn't feel this irrational need to rebel all the time. Then he shook his head and got up from the bed, no need lying around here thinking “what if?”. His mum had died in cancer when Dean was almost a teenager and she wasn't coming back. And maybe her living wouldn't have made a difference anyway. What he knew now was that he should head to the garage and see if dad needed any help with the repairs. It wasn't like Sam was going to go there and lend a hand.



Re: FILLED: "Same Sense of Humor", 5/6 Sam, Dean, Michael, Lucifer, Gabriel, God, PG-13 mesmorizee July 22 2010, 18:07:43 UTC
Eventually the day arrived. Prom day. John Winchester hadn't said anything about Sam going to prom with Lucifer, just muttered something like: “I should have seen this coming”. But apparently he was going with the same tactic as Dean. Silent disapproval. Sam suspected that it had more to do with the fact that they didn't like Lucifer and less about the fact that apparently Sam was gay.

Gabriel and Chuck on the other hand had spent the last few days running around with amused and very satisfied looks on their faces. Especially Gabriel had been more smug than usual. Which was saying something because 'smug' seemed to be his default setting sometimes.

But none of that mattered now when Sam walked inside the ballroom with Lucifer at his side. He noticed Dean and Michael hanging around a table of food but when Sam and Lucifer walked in Dean turned and glared in Lucifer's direction. Sam ignored him.

The dancing started and Sam hesitated for a moment before he let Lucifer lead him out on the dance floor and they started dancing slowly. Sam felt really happy and then when half the song had been played it felt like someone hit him over the head and suddenly he remembered everything. Everything!

How this wasn't his life and how he was under no circumstances ever allowed to say yes to Lucifer. This, this was just so wrong on so many levels. Sam wasn't even gay! If anyone was going to suddenly turn gay it was Dean! Which thinking about it, it was weird that Castiel hadn't had a role to play in this... Whatever this was.

Lucifer himself seemed just as stunned, staring at Sam in surprise and well, it couldn't be often someone surprised Lucifer like that. Sam pushed away Lucifer and then shouted loudly:

“Gabriel! You bastard! What the hell is this?!” Sure Gabriel was supposed to be dead. But then Sam was supposed to be dead. Dean was supposed to be dead. Death apparently was something that could be cheated. And if anyone was going to cheat death it was Gabriel. Sam didn't get an answer though and he looked at Dean who was looking between Sam, Lucifer and Michael in confusion before also he decided that shouting at Gabriel was a good idea.

“Gabriel! You son of a bitch!”

That actually got them an amused laugh that seemed to come from everywhere at the same time.



Re: FILLED: "Same Sense of Humor", 6/6 Sam, Dean, Michael, Lucifer, Gabriel, God, PG-13 mesmorizee July 22 2010, 18:09:05 UTC
“See, you have got to admit that this was much more amusing than the apocalypse.” Gabriel said.

They were sitting in what had been Chuck Shurley's living room. Was it still the guy's room? Had the guy ever existed or was he a creation of Gabriel's dad? He needed to ask about these things some time. He had liked Chuck. Never really been able to get near the guy, too worried that one of the angels on watch would notice him but what he had heard of the guy he had seemed like an amusing sort of guy.

God nodded and smiled. “I admit that you have a point but this would never work in reality. And are you sure giving them back their memories like that was such a good idea? They are going to hunt you down.”

“You saw their faces right? It was priceless! The only thing that would have been better had been if they had kissed and then...” He paused and then smiled brightly at Chuck. “Can I get a do-over? I want to wait till they kiss!”

“No” God said but sounded amused. Gabriel liked that he could amuse his dad and then remembered that he did not want his existence based entirely on pleasing his dad. He had seen what that sort of thing could lead to. So he pushed away that feeling.

“You are no fun”

“I'm no fun? What? I let you mess with the Winchesters one more time and not to mention with your own brothers! Which I must suspect you enjoyed even more. Plus you've been running around as a pagan god for centuries! How can the fact that I say 'no' once mean that I'm no fun?” God complained, though seeing as he was God it didn't sound like he was complaining just stating facts, but Gabriel knew complaining when he heard it. Gabriel just looked at him

“I wasn't serious”

“Oh, right” God said and Gabriel shook his head. They were apparently going to have to work on some things in their communication or this would never work. Assuming that his dad was going to stick around this time.

“Maybe we should put them back where they belong” Gabriel's dad mused and the face of Chuck looked thoughtful as he watched the TV screen.

On it Sam and Dean where cursing a lot and Michael and Lucifer seemed to try and figure out if the fact that Sam and Dean said yes to come to the prom meant saying yes yes or just that they had all been played and that as soon as they saw their brother again they would take revenge. Gabriel suspected that what ever their revenge plans were they were not even half as creative as Gabriel's would have been.

“We probably, should. Seeing as they remember everything... Or we could put them in some other alternate reality where they have to try and find their way back by all four of them co-operating and finding clues and solving puzzles. Some sort of video game based reality...” Gabriel mused and when he looked up at God he had a smile that could best be described as devilishly, which should just be so wrong on God but strangely enough it wasn't. Gabriel smiled back. He would probably get along with his dad for as long as he decided to be around this time.



Re: FILLED: "Same Sense of Humor", 6/6 Sam, Dean, Michael, Lucifer, Gabriel, God, PG-13 morganoconner July 22 2010, 18:37:44 UTC
OMG DROWNING IN CRACK!!! *giggles insanely* This was great!! I'm glad someone filled my crazy prompt, even if you accidentally got sucked into doing so! XD

Thank you!!


Re: FILLED: "Same Sense of Humor", 6/6 Sam, Dean, Michael, Lucifer, Gabriel, God, PG-13 mesmorizee July 22 2010, 19:00:47 UTC
I actually had fun writing it. ;p It was a hilarious promt! XD

I'm really glad you liked it. :D


Re: FILLED: "Same Sense of Humor", 6/6 Sam, Dean, Michael, Lucifer, Gabriel, God, PG-13 shyriann July 23 2010, 00:38:17 UTC
Thank you, I needed this. I don't know if the line about Gabriel being stuck in "Detention Hell" was intentional, but holy god was it funny.


Re: FILLED: "Same Sense of Humor", 6/6 Sam, Dean, Michael, Lucifer, Gabriel, God, PG-13 mesmorizee July 23 2010, 08:32:44 UTC
I'm glad you liked it! ^^ And it was sort of intentional. XD


(The comment has been removed)

Re: FILLED: "Same Sense of Humor", 6/6 Sam, Dean, Michael, Lucifer, Gabriel, God, PG-13 mesmorizee July 23 2010, 08:37:35 UTC
Thank you! I'm so glad you thought it was funny! :D
I was kind of worried that people would just look at it and think it was weird instead of funny.

Yeah, me too... But I suspect it would take planning. And what video game would they end up in? Have Sam and Dean ever played this sort of game? Would they get what they are supposed to be doing? (Michael and Lucifer would of course be completely lost for most of the time) How ridiculously long would it become? 'Cause I think crack fic is supposed to be short. Those are the kind of questions I face. But yeah, I kinda want to write it yes. XD


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