I'm perplexed. Amused and a little appalled, but mostly perplexed.
Maybe it's because I'm still sort of new to fandom? I've been around for about seven months or so.
First off, I will admit to caving and going to poke at the anon meme after there was controversy about one of the BigBang fics. I'm not touching on that since many, many people have said what needs to be said more than eloquently.
No, what I stumbled across, and have since seen more than a few times on my flist, is that apparently there is wank about the
deancasbigbang. It appears that some people (hard to tell how many since they're all anonymous) have decided that Dean/Cas (or Dean & Cas) fen are elitist princesses who want to segregate the fandom by ships.
Really, fandom? Seriously?
I'm participating in the
spn_j2_bigbang this year. I was super excited when I saw announcements go up, and I signed up and wrote (and angsted at length here about it). Then later on there was an announcement for the first ever
deancasbigbang and I got all excited about that too! I don't really ship Dean/Cas, but I had an idea for a Dean & Cas fic (yes, it's still going to be gen) and thought it would be the perfect opportunity to write it.
It never even occurred to me that a Dean/Cas BigBang was somehow infringing on the non-D/C people in fandom. All I saw was an opportunity to write.
Someone (anonymous, of course) wrote that they were being denied an opportunity to write their non-D/C fic and were being discriminated against because they shipped something else.
Umm. WHAT? Dude, WRITE IT ANYWAY. If you have a long!fic to write that isn't Dean/Cas, then just write it and post it! Why is that hard? If you want art for your fic (and who wouldn't?), then hit up your flist or some of the comms. Maybe you'll luck out and someone will produce art for you.
I'm actually kind of sad at the idea that, just because a group of people got all cranked up and excited about their ship/pairing/whatever, another group of people felt that this was somehow designed to exclude them/make them feel bad. I get all cranked up and excited about SO MANY THINGS about the Show, and never once have my thoughts even veered close to: "That'll show those $fans what for!"
nyoka has revealed to me that multi-shippers are like bisexuals and unicorns: we don't exist. As a result, I am halfway tempted to write an orgy fic involving every single main and recurring character from the show, just to watch people's heads explode. You're all VERY LUCKY that I have yet to muster up the courage to write really explicit porn. ;)