I am behind on everything!

Jun 07, 2010 20:21

Firefox tells me I've already used that subject line. God, I suck.

I am behind on answering comments, but I got busy with RL stuff this weekend and wasn't online, and the next few weeks are going to be equally busy. Plus, I was victimized by an exploding Pyrex dish yesterday. I have shrapnel injuries! *shows off band-aid*



I promise to catch up! Right now I am writing fic. I have TONS of things I need to be writing, and a lot of my prompts involve crossovers of shows I've seen but am not super familiar with. Once I'm further along with my writing, I will start answering comments again.

On that note, can anyone point me in the direction of some good fic communities and/or authors on LJ for the following shows:

1- Lie To Me
2- Burn Notice
3- Leverage (I'm about to start watching, since I've heard good things)
4- Dresden Files (the books, in this case)
5- Castle

Any and all help would be much appreciated.

I am aiming for 1,000 words of fic a day on average this month. So far I'm on track, but it's not an even effort by any stretch of the imagination. What I got written this month was over two days. So starting tonight I'm going to try to be more disciplined about it.

damn you fandom i used to be normal, life outside fandom, query, writing is hard!

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