Good day, gentle readers!
If you're here, it's because you followed a link from some fanfic community or other, or perhaps someone else's LJ. Welcome aboard!
So I'm
ratherastory, and this is my fanfic/fandom LJ. Basic facts: I'm 32 (as of January 2011), Canadian, living in Montreal, and French is my first language (though not by much). I ventured into fanfic very briefly in September of '09 to write a yet-to-be-finished Dresden Files story, and then got SUCKED into the Supernatural fandom, kicking and screaming. The show has eaten my brain. I can't begin to explain it, but I'm having a blast and choosing not to question it.
I'm pretty prosaic as a person. If you want poetry, some of my fic will provide it, but in everyday life I'm as straightforward as they get, if a little quirky. I'm also stupidly neurotic about my writing and other creative endeavours. I'm trying to keep a lid on the worst of my public waffling, but be warned, there's a fair bit of it here. If you don't take it seriously, you'll be fine.
Note on friending: This is a fandom and fanfic-only LJ, so it's not like I want to hide my writing. All new people are welcome, but with the sheer number of people out there on the internet, I can't guarantee I'll friend you back unless I find we have a lot in common, or if we start interacting regularly on LJ. If I don't friend you back, you're not missing anything anyway since 99% of my content is public (with occasional f-locked posts about trips, personal information, and posts whose content I don't want on the anon meme). If you feel strongly that I should friend you back, feel free to drop me a line either here or by PM and I'll do so.
You should know that if you post uncut spoilers, I will not friend you, or if I have you already friended, I will unfriend you lickety-split. The same goes if you post content that contains nothing but hate/character bashing for any of the shows I watch and love. Fandom is my happy place, and I reserve the right to avoid people who harsh my squee.
A not-as-brief note on etiquette in this LJ: Everyone is welcome here, but be advised that this is a wank-free zone. Just so you know. I know fandom can be a contentious place at times, and I encourage healthy conversation and debate in my LJ, as long as it remains respectful. Anonymous comments are welcome, under the same rules. If you come in here and bash characters or real people, or try to start a flame war, I will not hesitate to ban your negative posterior from this place. Please keep discriminatory comments to yourself, if you happen to have them. My LJ, my rules. So far, everyone here has been stellar about keeping things civilized, so I'm not too worried.
Is There Really Only Fanfic Here? Uh, mostly. I am a literature geek, so there will be recs, occasional posts in which I witter on at length about the authorial process, wordcount meters, and wibbling about fanfic deadlines. I might also ask for advice and random other things in the context of producing stories. Because that's just how I am. Neuroses R Us. ;)
Oh, fandom, what have you done to me? So now there's podfic, too. Also some memes, episode reaction posts, random chatter about fandom happenings, and polls because I like the shiny poll feature. This LJ is still all-fandom, all the time, though. Be warned.
But Who Are You Really? I do exist on LJ as a "real" person too. If you think you might want to read about the mundanities of my existence (with bonus bizarre conversations with clients at work and letters from my mother, which are very entertaining), then drop me a line and I'll let you know my other identity. It's not linked directly to this LJ, but it's not exactly a closely-guarded secret, or anything. I also don't post there nearly as frequently.
This post used to be my master list of fanfic. If you're looking for that, you will find it
here, in its very own LJ entry, because it got too long and unwieldy to all be in the same post.