Title: In Hearts We Leave Behind
Summary: Bucky is looking for answers.
Written for the
avengers_rbb challenge. I was lucky enough to snag
petite_madame's gorgeous Steve/Bucky prompt, post-CA:TWS. You can see her art
here, though I must advise you that the story starts before the comic does, so beware minor spoilers!
Characters/Pairings: Bucky Barnes /Steve Rogers, Peggy
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Comments 4
What surprised me the most is that I conceived it as the beginning of a story and you chose to make it one of the final scenes, it was brilliant :D (Also, the end stays open to interpretation so you can imagine what's gonna come next)
I love all the details about Bucky's new way of wife, how his arm suffered because of the water when he fell from the hellicarrier, how he couldn't sleep, how he forgot to eat! And of course the way you included the character of Peggy was awesome (I love her!).
Thank you SO MUCH for devoting all this time to write the perfect story for my prompt. I couldn't hope for something better ♥
Thank you for your interest in my story. I am on AO3 under the same username: ratherastory.
Next time, try asking politely. A "please" goes a long way these days.
didn't mean to disrespect you.
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