Keeping track of fic (or not, as it happens)

Feb 19, 2010 13:02

God, but this is a huge fandom.

I keep stumbling across fics that I really want to read, but unless they're reasonably short (6,000 words or less), I don't always have time to read them on the spot. So I try to keep them in mind for a later date. Sometimes I come across a list of recommendations, and think "Cool! I should totally go through those at some point."

Alas for me, the list has now become far too unmanageable to keep in my head. Combine that with the list of fics I might want to re-read but don't necessarily want to put in my Rec Master Post, because while I enjoyed them they're not necessarily SO awesome that I think everyone should rush out and read them. I've already lost track of a bunch of stories that I read once, enjoyed, but didn't bother writing down anywhere.

All that together, and you get a very sad and disorganized camper.

So, flist, I appeal to you: how do YOU keep track of fic that you want to read? Do you bookmark it? Do you not bother keeping track?

I'm thinking of keeping some sort of Master List, maybe an Excel file, which lists stories by title, author, and brief summary. If I get extra ambitious, I might try to sort it by genre. I'm wondering, though, if this isn't the OCD/anal-retentive part of my personality coming to the fore.

Thoughts? Anyone? Bueller?

damn you fandom i used to be normal, supernatural, sometimes i think too much

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