Still Not Dead...

Dec 10, 2013 10:19

You may have noticed (ahem) that I haven't been writing. This is due to many things, all of which can be summed up as Real Life Has Eaten ratherastory's Brain.

In bullet points:

- New job
- New schedule (a very fucking early schedule)
- Commute to a different city (2-3 hours one way)
- Toddler
- Family stuff
- Crappy/not enough sleep
- Various minor health issues
- Massive anxiety issues

The result is that, essentially, my brain is fried. I can't concentrate long enough to even read one chapter in a book these days, let alone write anything. If I'm lucky I can focus for the 40 minutes it takes to get me through an episode of TV, but even that is hit-and-miss. Sometimes I'll be watching something and realize close to the end of the episode that I stopped paying attention 15 minutes in and have no idea what's happening.

That being said, I miss writing. I even picked up a prompt for the fic challenge at ohsam to see if I could get the juices flowing again. I doubt it'll happen this month, what with the holidays and all, but I'm setting myself a goal for January, to start writing again.

In light of that, I'm going to write down a list of all the projects and ideas I have simmering in the back of my mind. Not that all of these will get written, but it'll be good for me to have all the possibilities laid out before me. The emphasis for me right now is to work on finishing stuff. If I want to be a "serious" writer, I need to not let myself get distracted by shiny new projects and instead work out structural problems in the stories and fix them, then finish my projects. For my original stuff, the focus will be on structure and outlining, which I am not good at, since I think that will really help me get it all written and finished.

Original Work

1- Every Breath You Take (m/m novel, draft about 60% complete)
2- She Gave Me a Rainbow (short story series, still in conception mode)
3- Untitled 1 (m/m story or possibly even a novel about a cop & the owner of a knitting store, originally a J2 fic)
4- From the Ashes (in conception/research stage)
5- Untitled 2 (m/m supernatural mystery, also originally a J2 fic)
6- A Lamentation of Swans (YA novel, abandoned long ago, but I'd like to revive it)
7- Conflation (sci fi serial, abandoned long ago, also to be revived)
8- Untitled 3 (m/m short story, set at Christmas)
9- Beyond the Pale (western serial, abandoned at the same time as Conflation)


1- ohsam prompt for challenge
2- Fusion 'verse
3- Garden 'verse
4- Mockingbird 'verse (no idea how that's supposed to keep going, but I want to try)
5- The sequel to Roses in December (again, no idea how to do that)
6- The Angel Pin (Noir AU to Season 6)
7- Time Traveling!Dean (Season 7 AU)
8- The one in which Sam makes a deal with the faeries to get Dean out of Purgatory
9- The one in which teen!Sam is targeted by a serial killer
10- The Dean & Cas AU in which Cas is a dragon and Dean has to save him

1- Ferret 'verse
2- The one in which Danny nearly drowns & that's the least of his problems
3- The bank robbery/hostage fic

1- Death Curse (that poor Dresden Files fic I never finished a million years ago)
2- Leverage (the one in which Eliot goes blind)
3- The Teen Wolf hiatus fic in which Stiles stops sleeping
4- The Teen Wolf one in which Jennifer lives and she helps Stiles become a druid and it's basically Stiles/Derek/Jennifer and IDK.
5- The Person of Interest thing in which Finch suffers from a bone infection in his spine

Oh, and While I'm At It

Definitely no promises, but you can always leave prompts here, to see if they spark anything. Any fandom I write for is fair game, or even original stuff if you want. Fandoms are as follows:

- H50
- White Collar
- Leverage
- Teen Wolf
- Person of Interest
- Avengers

And that's it for now. See you all on the flip side!

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ras has interests outside fandom!, writing is hard!, ratherastory explains it all

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