Prompt fills

Jul 06, 2013 16:07

Again, taking example from others and posting a list of fills so far...

For clarity159: The one in which Dean and Cas help Sam and Perry cope with an overenthusiastic Fourth of July display.

For de_nugis: The Fusion 'verse story in which they get Millie the cat.

For killabeez: The time Sam came to his big brother's defense when he was a teenager and some asshole was bad-mouthing him.

For azziria: The one in which Danny inexplicably craves licorice, because I misread the name in the prompt like a doofus...

For claudiapriscus: The one in which Phil Coulson is really glad that Pepper Potts has never decided to embrace a life of crime.

For quickreaver: The one in which the Winchesters meet the Hawaii Five-0 team and Sam is inexplicably intimidated by a man two feet shorter than him.

For ferrous_wheeler: The Fusion 'verse one in which Sam overhears Dean worrying about money and takes it personally.

For cherie_morte: The one in which they go to visit Bobby one summer and Sammy really wants to keep Bobby's dog, so Dean tries to think up elaborate ways to steal it (even though he thinks dogs suck).

For blackrabbit42: The one in which the boys spike a watermelon and spend a day with their feet in the river getting drunk on a rare day off.

For morganoconner: The one in which Sheriff Stilinski sees a werewolf for the first time.

For gidgetgal9: The Fusion 'verse story in which Sam accidentally drops a bunch of very expensive pills in the toilet and it ends up being okay anyway.

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meme, fusion, prompt

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