Nov 13, 2012 00:56

Dear Hawaii Five-0 fandom,

I expect ALL THE FIC NOW, do you hear me? ALL THE FIC.

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unabashed squee!, h50, ratherastory has more than one fandom!, show is trying to kill me, ratherastory has a lot of feeeeeelings

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jesseofthenorth November 13 2012, 15:25:07 UTC
Perfect! That was exactly the show I fell in love with. They hit every button dead on. I even managed to follow the case for once!
Well done, show!


ratherastory November 13 2012, 15:32:41 UTC
I am SO EXCITED that the show I fell in love with has come back! It took long enough, but there it is! \o/


callistosh65 November 13 2012, 18:25:49 UTC
Okay, I gotta know - which episode is this? I fell out of love with this show in the beginning of season 2 and haven't watched since. Let me know name and number so I can stream and watch..*g*


ratherastory November 13 2012, 18:30:10 UTC
Season 3 Episode 8, I Ka Wa Mamua

This season has been overall much better than season 2, and after a slightly shaky beginning has been getting steadily back to the season 1 show we knew and loved. <3


callistosh65 November 13 2012, 18:32:23 UTC
Thanks - I'll check it out.


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