A generalised thank you

Aug 17, 2012 16:27

Man, so many people sent me so many nice PMs that I haven't been able to reply to individually.

Guys, you are awesome. Thank you, seriously. I can't tell you how much I needed it.

Anyway, there was a misconception, it seems. I am not leaving fandom. I'm not leaving LJ. I'm just... not writing right now. If the writing fu magically makes a reappearance, then I will simply start posting fic again. :)

Thank you again. You are all so, so lovely, and you deserve all the love forever. ♥

This entry was originally posted at http://ratherastory.dreamwidth.org/224041.html, where there are
: comments, currently. Feel free to comment wherever you'd like! ♥

do you have your towel?, ratherastory is an emo princess, writing is hard!, ratherastory has a lot of feeeeeelings, don't panic!, ratherastory can be reasonable sometimes, my friends are awesome

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