Dear Summergen Author

May 12, 2012 16:48

Dear Summergen Author,

Doubtless by now you have received my prompts. I hope you haven't freaked out and run screaming for the hills, because I don't want this to be a stressful experience for you.

For one thing, my prompts are not meant to be binding. They are meant to be a springboard for your imagination. If you see a prompt and think: "Whoa, what if it's like what she's asking for, but instead there's $reallycooltwist instead?" then go for that. Seriously, turn my prompts on their heads, make 'em do complicated yoga poses and twist themselves into unrecognizable pretzels of their formers selves.

If none of my prompts speaks to you, and I totally understand that, here are a few bullet-proof ways to make me the happiest camper ever.

1- I am a h/c junkie. Go ahead and hurt one of the boys. I have a mild order of preference: Sam, Cas, Dean. I am not really concerned with other characters getting hurt/sick, but anyone in the role of caretaker is welcome (though I do prefer it when both brothers are present in some way). Give Sam a respiratory illness of some kind and I will love you forever, but really, I am game for anything.

2- I love early season stuff. When the big angst was about finding Dad and whether or not Sam would go darkside and John's death and the way Dean suddenly had to face the fact that their job isn't black and white in nature. Sure, current angst is great, but there's been so much of it, and back in S1 and S2 it seemed like there was a light at the end of the tunnel, and I do like that.

3- I love curtain fic, especially curtain fic with some form of h/c. It doesn't even have to be a permanent injury, just one of those things that serves as a wake-up call for them, that they need to stop.

4- I like quiet character studies and slice-of-life moments. The boys by the Impala by the road, or in a diner, or sitting quietly in a laundromat doing their laundry. The boys stopping for a week during a holiday and just holing up and cooking properly and watching bad TV and drinking a beer together.

5- End 'verse. I don't think I left any prompts for that, but by all means, write 5.04 fic for me. Or anything post-apocalyptic wherein the whole world has changed and everyone is just carrying on as best they can and hoarding toilet paper and trying to grow vegetables and trying to make sense of what the world has become.

6- Don't be afraid of original characters, if that's where you want to go. I love well-written OCs. By all means write about minor characters. I love it when they get fleshed-out and explored and turn out kick-ass and wonderful and interesting.

And that's it! Just have fun with it, I know I will love whatever you come up with. :)

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summergen 2012, open letter

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