After the End 'Verse [Master Post]

Sep 15, 2011 13:12

Yeah, I'm catching up on making Master Posts for the 'verses I have ongoing. This is the last one for a while, I promise! ;)

Title: After the End
Summary: Cas survives the kamikaze attack at Jackson County Sanatorium, but Dean doesn't. To his surprise he finds Sam Winchester, once his friend, awake up from his long, sleeping nightmare. Castiel doesn't want the burden of caring for Sam, but Sam is still his friend and Castiel has never had that many good, true friends.

Title: Myself Reflected in You
Summary: The world has stopped ending, people are putting things back in order. Alone together amidst a society that's trying to rebuild itself, Sam and Cas have retreated back to Camp Chitaqua, where they've managed to build a semblance of a life together. Now, more than a year later, they're still trying to glue back the pieces of lives that have been irretrievably shattered.

Title: The Cold Fall
Summary: Sam and Cas are far away from home in the woods when Sam has a seizure.

Title: Call A Man Cold
Summary: Cas comes back from a supply run to find that Sam has had a seizure outside during a snowstorm.

fanfic, castiel totally deserves his own tag, after the end, master post, 5.04, sammy

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