Title: Who Toils Most To Go On
Summary: Written for the
gabriel_bigbang. AU post 5.19, 'Hammer of the Gods.' Gabriel is brought before God to answer for all that he has done ―for good and for evil. He is given one last chance to redeem himself, a task that ranks among the most important his Father has ever entrusted him with: Sam Winchester. Gabriel is confined to Purgatory ―a place as changeable as it is dangerous to those not accustomed to its ways― along with the infant soul of the man who brought down the devil himself, tasked with mending it after its long ordeal in the Cage at the hands of Lucifer and Michael. Sam's work on earth is not yet done, and if Gabriel is to have any chance to return to Heaven and be restored, he must help Sam's soul to heal before Death thrusts it back into Sam's body ―which still inhabits the surface of the earth― and in the process, maybe learn to heal himself.
Characters: Gabriel, Sam, (Dean & Castiel briefly, guest appearance by God).
Rating: gen, PG-13
Wordcount: 19,574
Disclaimer: If Gabriel belonged to me, let's just say my life wouldn't look like this.
Warnings: Major spoilers through 6.11. Serious, massive liberties taken with Christian canon. Occasional swearing. Show-levels of violence. Angst.
Neurotic Author's Note #1: Um. This may well qualify as the weirdest thing I have ever written. I am totally not sure what happened here, but, well, yeah.
Neurotic Author's Note #2: I blame Show for all of this. They had to go and bring up the concept of Purgatory, and I'm sure that what I wrote here has nothing to do with what it looks like in the Show.
Neurotic Author's Note #3: I owe undying thanks to my betas,
kitty_z_finn and
bellatemple, without whom this fic would be a total shambles. They stomped on all my errant commas (and believe me, there were a lot of them), pointed out all my spelling, grammar and syntax flaws (oh God), and most importantly told me exactly where the structure of my story fell apart abysmally. Hopefully I have fixed everything that needed fixing. Needless to say, all remaining mistakes are mine.
Neurotic Author's Note #4: Run, do not walk, to the artwork by
ani_bester, who went above and beyond the call of duty and produced EIGHT art pieces. Her line work is just gorgeous, and she has a sense of composition like you would not believe! Go forth and lavish praise! Shoo! The art has also been incorporated into the story, but you should really go leave feedback at her post.
Neurotic Author's Note #5: And of course, all my thanks to the wonderful mods of the
gabriel_bigbang and everyone who has worked tirelessly to make this project a success! Kudos to everyone!
Link to art: Art by
Here! Prologue ―Penance Part 1 ―Purgatory Part 2 ―Protégé Part 3 ―Palimpsest Epilogue ―Passage (Temporary note: bear with me, LJ is being a pain and keeps f*cking up my coding. SORRY!)