WIP meme

Feb 17, 2011 13:33

Stolen from half my flist.

The Works In Progress meme. Open your WIP file and post the names of all your documents, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Feel free to ask about anything and I'll tell you the premise or paste you a tidbit for any of these.

Everybody ready?


1- alcoholic!Dean
2- chelsea_grin
3- collar
4- MS!Sam
5- This Never Happened
6- Those Who Toil To Go On
7- avatar!J2
8- ohsamchallenge1
9- gen_bigbang_fairies
10- casefic_bigbang_radiation
11- sn_cross_hawaii
12- Pamela_Jesse_Forever
13- Roses in December
14- The Angel Pin


1- Eliot!charityfic
2- blind!Eliot


1- near-drowning
2- steve/danno challenge
3- Just South of Stockholm
4- tsunami!BB

So apparently I have 20 or so WIPs, which doesn't include all the prompt tables I have. *headdesk* I am never going to be done!

get your butt in your chair, meme, fic meme, get your words out, writing is hard!, ratherastory explains it all

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