A post that is neither fic nor even about fic

Dec 07, 2010 20:22


So I have a not-so-legal copy of Photoshop CS4 on my computer. Shh, don't tell anyone, 'kay?

Anyway, I have discovered, much to my chagrin, that I understand diddlysquat about how it's supposed to work. No, seriously. I can't cut and paste shapes, I can't even find a fill too. It's embarrassing just how badly I suck at figuring this out, and usually after I futz around in a program for a while I can usually make out the basics. Hell, I once figured out an entire image editing software that was in Portuguese, and I don't even speak the language.

Dear flist, help a girl out. Are there good tutorials out there? Preferably with screencaps and plain language, or at least language that will explain to me what all the technical terms mean? I have this shiny toy, and I really want to play with it!

Thanks in advance!

meep?, life outside fandom, ratherastory is a flake, photoshop was made by aliens, query, artwork, my friends are awesome

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